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[전기] Frederick R. Karl. Joseph Conrad, The Three Lives. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. [Part IV]

by 길철현 2018. 12. 24.

IV. In Leopold's Congo 1889-1890


266) Almayer를 쓸 때의 상황. A Personal Record 68

270) Flaubert's sense of language leads to Joyce, not to Conrad, although there is some overlap.

272) Conrad had no one but himself, and his transformation from mariner to writer was an intensely internal decision veiled from the observer and perhaps even from his own consciousness. What is remarkable is that outside of his own reading and the occasional letters of his uncle, he had no literary contacts, no professional guidance, no bookish friend to whom he could speak.

273) It is difficult to determine if he wanted to go to Africa in particular or if he desired a command simply as part of his lifelong ambition to explore new land and sea areas.

- 콩고에 가기전 다른 회사에도 지원을 하면서 선장직을 찾고 있었음.

274) 1889년 스탠리가 Mehmed Emin Pasha를 구출하는 일이 영국에서는 중요한 사건.

275) Certainly part of Conrad's interest in Africa can be attributed to Stanley's celebrity status, but I think it would be in errror to accept Conraqd's Congo expedition as a direct result of this publicity.

284) he is completely alone in a world of chilling indifference.

- (1- 52) Karol Zagorski / Freetown, Sierre Leone (900522)

What makes me rather uneasy is the information that 60 per cent. of our Company's employees return to Europe before they have completed even six months' service. Fever and dysentery! There are others who are sent home in a hurry at the end of a year, so that they shouldn't die in the Congo. God forbid!(결코 그렇지 않다) It would spoil the statistics which are excellent, you see! In a word, there are only 7 per cent. who can do their three years' service.

[이 부분 인용. 아프리카라는 곳이 갖는 의미. 기회의 땅이자 위험한 미지의 땅]

286) 3 Congos

1. Leopold's - operated behind intricate disguises and deceptions

2. Casement's - close to reality

3. Conrad's - fell midway between the other two, as he attempted to penetrate the veil and yet was anxious to retain the hallucinatory quality.

287) Both Casement and Conrad later discovered that Leopold's agents were using African workers as slave labor.

288) 죽어가는 아프리카인들과 콘래드 및 콘래드 일가의 죽음. 유사성.

- These waste-land images were deeply embedded in Conrad's imagination, so that Poland, the Congo, and East Borneo blend with each other; the past life, the present experience, adn the future work.

289) (5- 595) John Quinn 160524

 the work he[Roger Casement] was busy about then was recruiting labour. He knew the coast languages well. I went with him several times on short expeditions to hold "palavers" with neighbouring village-chiefs. The object of them was procuring porters for the Company's caravans from Matadi to Leopoldville--or rather to Kichassa (on Stanley Pool).

291) [7/3 일지] Good many caravans and travellers. No women, unless on the market place.

- 다양한 언어 활동(영어, 불어, 폴란드 어, 그리고 아프리카인들의 원주민 언어를 접함]

292) Conrad encountered normal people, saw some elements of civilization, and experienced directly little of the ominousness associated with the story.

294) (62) Everything here is repellent to me. Men and things, but men above all. And I am repellent to them, also. From the manager in Africa who has taken the trouble to tell one and all that I offend him supremely, down to the lowest mechanic, they all have the gift of irritating my nerves--so that I am not as agreeable to them perhaps I should be.(이 아래 부분에서 manager인 Delcommune에 대한 비난. Del이 콘래드를 나쁘게 봐서 애초 생각했던 대로 배를 맡을 수 없다는 것. 건강이 나쁜 것.

- the truth is that in going up the river I suffered from fever four times in two months, and then at the Falls, I suffered an attack of dysentery lasting five days.

[콘래드의 콩고 경험이 끔찍했던 이유가 인간의 탐욕이나 잔인성 등을 보게 된 것도 있지만, 인간 관계에서 겪었던 어려움, 특히 소장인 델코뮨과의 관계가 틀어짐으로서 애초의 계획과는 달리 배를 맡을 가능성이 사라진 것, 그 다음 열병과 이질 등의 질병으로 건강이 극도로 안 좋았던 것 등도 고려해야 한다.]

295) Conrad heightened and intensified in order to stengthen his view of Marlow as a man being tested by an irrational and anarchic situation. Conrad's need in the story is not onyl the description of a journey but the creation of a chaotic, amoral atmosphere which tempts Marlow. If Marlow is all superego, then the challenge must derive from the id.

[콘래드의 이러한 문학적 시도가 정당한가, 사실을 왜곡하는 것 아니가, 하는 것이 문제의 중심이다.]

- there were several trading stations along the way, and the Inner Station at Stanley Falls was not nearly so isolated as Marlow indicates.

[내부 주재소가 실제는 그렇게 고립된 곳이 아니라는 것. 콘래드는 그런 곳을 창조하고 싶었던 것이라는 점, 이런 부분에서는 정신분석이 탈식민과 부딪히는 지점이다.]

298) (63) while reading your dear letters I have forgotten Africa, the Congo, the black savages and the white slaves (of whom I am one) who inhabit it.

[이러한 진술에도 불구하고 콘래드는 아프리카가 유럽을 침탈하는 일원으로서의 자신의 역할을 보지 않음. 

- Throughout both the actual trip and its fictional re-creation, Conrad stressed the extraordinary quality of the experience as it struck him, the individual, not the rightness or wrongness of colonialism.

[[진보]를 볼 때 이러한 지적이 통용될 수 있는지는 의문스럽다. 

299) his sea captain's license meant nothing here, he felt, where he was associated with inferior men with small minds and mean hearts. 

299) Part of the irony and bitterness hwich characterize the tone of "Heart of Darkness" surely derives from Conrad dashed hopes in 1890.

[선장 직을 맡을 것으로 알고 콩고로 갔지만 Delcommune과의 불화 등으로 인해 다른 잡일들만 하게 되었다는 것이 질병 등과 함께 그에게 커다란 실망감을 준 것도 작품에서 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 명심해야 한다.]

300) 90. 10. 19 - he [Conrad] had passed on to Bobrowski his decision to leave, even though it meant breaking a three-year agreement after only four months.

- His illness with dysentery, however, gave him reason for annuling the contract, although he had contemplated picking a quarrel as another way out. 

- Possibly, his experiences in the Congo turned him into a writer, or at least gave him a sense of the indifference and negligibility of human life which he could shape into his fiction.

[하지만, 폴란드의 체험, 유배, 선원 생활 등이 모두 그가 작가가 되는 것에 기여했다고 F. 칼은 봄]