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콘래드, 조지프/박사논문(콘래드)40

Andrea White - Joseph Conrad and the Adventure Tradition. Cambridge. 1995. [1993] Introduction 1) 초기 작품에 short shrift만 줌. "apprentice fiction" - 초기 작품의 본질적인(intrinsic) 생각이 콘래드 전작품에 이어지고. 제국이라는 문제에 대한 축이 되는(중추적인 pivotal) 태도에 있어서 특히 중요. 2) Anthony Trollope, Frederick Marryat의 영향. - 이념과 현실의 괴리. (disparity between the aspirat.. 2019. 8. 19.
Thomas Moser - Joseph Conrad: Achievement and Decline. Archon Books. 1957 [Introduction] Guerard - Anticlimax The early Conrad's apprentice work and his failures strikingly resemble each other in subject matter and in symbolic imagery. Almost all deal in a major way with love. More over, even when the love stroy is apparently romantic and pure (the usual case in these works), powerful but ambiguous sexual feelings clearly lurk beneath the surface of.. 2019. 8. 7.
John A. McClure - Kipling and Conrad 4. Joseph Conrad : Bound to Empire 84) 어머니의 죽음 - a sense of having been abandoned 85) Kipling was educated to believe that imperialism ultimately reduced suffering; Conrad, to believe that it needlessly augmented it. 86) Both Apollo and Mannoni's colonialist are egotistical men who impose private visions of reality on the people whose lives they control, with disat.. 2019. 8. 5.
Hugh Clifford - Joseph Conrad [Letters/ Etc] 1. Hugh Clifford - Mr. Conrad at home and abroad (1898. 9. 1) The Book-Worm [이것에 대한 콘래드의 언급 - 981213 Blackwood 편지] Studies in Brown Study - Internet Archive 2019. 7. 8.