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콘래드, 조지프/박사논문(콘래드)

John A. McClure - Kipling and Conrad

by 길철현 2019. 8. 5.

4. Joseph Conrad : Bound to Empire

84) 어머니의 죽음 - a sense of having been abandoned

85) Kipling was educated to believe that imperialism ultimately reduced suffering; Conrad, to believe that it needlessly augmented it.

86) Both Apollo and Mannoni's colonialist are egotistical men who impose private visions of reality on the people whose lives they control, with disatrous effects.

86) Avrom Fleishman: the Korzeniowskis were themselves a family of colonialists. [이 부분 잘 볼 것. 콘래드 집안, 폴랜드가 오히려 제국주의자였음을 보여주는 것. 유크레인에서 폴란드 인은 3퍼센트밖에 되지 않는데, 토지 대부분을 소유

87)Fleishman - Characters like Lingard and Jim reflect Conrad's approval of the colonialist.

- 말레이 제도: 다양한 토착민, 전사-지배자, 유럽인들. 콘래드는 전사-지배자 그룹에 가장 우호적. (Hassim - Rescue/ Dain Waris - Lord Jim]