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콘래드, 조지프/진보의전초기지

Nils Clausson. "A Scrupulous Unity of Tone": [2]

by 길철현 2019. 3. 3.


76) Johnson : Makola remains a savage Africa[n] who merely mimics the external trappings of civilized Europeans.

77) Makola's 'civilized behavior' is decidedly 'superficial and tenuous' -- underneath his 'Westernized' veneer lurks his true 'savagery'

77) Gail Fraser - Makola's "civilized accomplishment (foreign languages, beautiful handwriting, and bookkeeping) are only skin-deep, for 'in his innermost heart' he cherishes 'the worship of evil spirits'" (15)

- we never witness Makola worshiping evil spirits in thestory; on the contrary, he consistently (and ironically) appears as more civilized than the two white men whom he rightly despises. The only evil spirit Makola actually worships is the Western god of Mammon. The racial stereotype of Makola as worshipper of eveil spirits is ironically unmasked by the thoroghly Europeanized image Conrad presents of him. 

- After the trading incident, he "retired to the bosom of his family" and "spent the day playing with his children. . .

- Ironically, Makola comes much closer to the European ideal of fatherhood than either Kayerts or C.

[머콜라의 이중적인 위치를 잘 이해해야 하는데, 이 부분도 필자와 나의 생각이 다르다. 원주민 한 명이 죽었음에도 불구하고 가족들과 편안한 시간을 보내고 있는 모습은 좋은 모습이 아니라, 오히려 살인을 저지른 갱이 가족들에게는 좋은 아빠 역할을 하는 그런 모습으로 읽을 수도 있다. K의 모습은 콘래드의 작품에 지속적으로 등장하는 딸을 위해 자신을 희생하는 아버지의 모습. 고리오 영감에서 나온. 그것으로 읽을 수가 있는데. 너무 비판적이다.]

- Westernized nigger [Franz Fanon]

- Robert Hamner : Makolar merely "affects the name, languages, skills, and methods of white enterprise in Africa," and "is on his way to becoming the type of character V. S. Naipaul anatomizes in The Mimic Men (1967). 

- Hammon and Jablow - Four Centuries of British Writing about Africa (1970) 

[The Westernized African contravened the clear-cut distinction the British had drawn and intended to maintain between themselves and the Africans-ruler and subject, white man and "nigger,' civilized and savage. . . . The Westernized African was an ever-present reminder to the British that the disparity could be overcome in a single lifetime. They viewed the acculturated AFrican as a threat to their prerogatives and to the established social order. Their response in the literature was to make him a target for ridicule and cnesure. . . . At any rate, the quality of African mentality was believed to be of such a nature that any manifestation of civilized behaviour was believed to be superficial and tenuous, since sooner or later the African would revert to savagery. (99-100)]

78) But there is no evidence in the story that Makola lacks "a substantial identity of his own" / I would say that he is most substantial and complex character in the story, and that through him Conrad does in fact subvert the racial views of Western culture. 

- Jeremy Hawthorne: From the start of OP, it  has been apparent that Makola--the ostensible servant--is actually far more in control than are the two white men. (Joseph Conrad: )

- Robert Hamner - "According to Conrad's ironic formula, Makola is moer adept at furthering the ends of the 'Great Civilizing Company (since we know that civilization follows trade)' . . . than its two expatriate representatives" (179)

- Makola is certainly a much more efficient trader than the two otiose Belgians.

[하지만 동시에 머콜라는 두 사람의 죽음의 단초를 제공한 장본인이기도 하다. 여기서는 개개인의 특성의 문제보다 제국주의를 움직이는 시스템이 더욱 중요하게 작용한다는 점으로 초점을 옮겨야 한다.]

79) RH - "It is Makola's clandestine agreement to trade the station's black workers for ivory tusks that initiates a chain of action leading to the fatal climax of the stroy" (180). 

- he has cast off his African identity

[아프리카인의 정체성이 무엇인가? 여기에 인종주의적인 가정이 있다.]

(What is striking about the portrait of Makola, and the key to his function in the story, is the ease and speed with which he has cast off his African identity and replaced it with a set of values and behaviours that make him a much more efficient embodiment of European (material) progress and trade than the indolent Europeans Kayerts and Carlier.

- 제국주의의 언어만 배운 것이 아니라,

he also understands and speaks the language of ruthless trade and commerce [K와 C보다 훨씬 더 잘]

- Jeremy Hawthorne : Makola "is able to adapt to the dominant needs of imperialism; maximal extraction of wealth disguised by the most convincing lies. (160) [I did the best for you and the Company.]

[필자는 아프리카적인 정체성이라고 가정하는 것이 인종주의적 편견에서 나온 것이라는 점을 망각하고 있다.]

- There is certainly nothing "savage" about him, and he can easily transform himself into a mirror image of the "ruthless and efficient" Managing Director of the Company.

- The decline and degeneration of the two Belgians is thus ironically paralleled by the rise and progress of Henry Price, whose last naem symbolically reveals how close his values are to those of the Company. 


80) it is precisely this (false) binary that the story dismantles through the contrast between the two white Europeans and Makola. 

(아프리칸 - 아이. 유럽 - 어른)

- Adapting Darwin's scientific theory, anthropologists and sociologists such as Edward Taylor, Herbert Spencer and Benjamin Kidd propsed that humanity 'evolved' from barbarism to civilization naturally and inevitably, analogous to the way children develop into adults. 

- G. A. Henty : By Sheer Pluck (1874) 

- Kayerts와 Carlier가 어린아이로 비유되는 부분에 대한 지적은 주목할 필요가 있음.

[arm in arm, drawing close to one another as children do in the dark]

[calling to its accomplished child]

81) 아프리카인들은 문명을 창조할 수 없음

- It is Makola's ironic role in the story to deflate such airy nonsense.

81) 백인과 흑인의 정형적인 구분을 전복시키는 부분들에 대한 지적들 잘 기억

- The portrayal of Makola in the story reveals that what Conrad's contemporaries took for substantial identity--especially cultural and racial identity--is really much less substantial and essential than they believed it to be.

82) His adoption of an English name, Henry Price, indicates his success in reaching his goal of being superior to the two Europeans

[Makola라는 이름이 계속 따라 다닌 것에 대한 지적은 없음.]

누가 고빌라의 부족원을 죽였나? 마콜라인가? 노예 상인인가?

- The only evidence in the story of the "pure unmitigated savagery" of Africans is that the Loandan warriors trade their ivory fot the ten Africans indentured to the Company and kill one of Gobila's tribesmen.

- What K' and C's contact with Africa does, in fact, is to explode the European myth of a primitive Africa.

- Andrea White : it was "their ineffectualness at home, not any patriotic zeal, that caused them to go out to this desolate location. (155) [Adventure Tradition]

83) (증기선의 야만적인 이미지) A shriek inhuman

- The purest form of "unmitigated savagery" in the stroy is the violent, "ruthless and efficient" penetration into Africa of "Progress and civilization and all the virtues."

- to conceal its own savagery and to justify its economic exploitation of a continent, Europe projects those primitive qualities onto Africa, just as Kayerts and Carlier project their own emptiness onto the African landscape.