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Almayer's Folly와 관련된 편지들

by 길철현 2019. 7. 26.

there is

- 940424 - Poradowska / (1-153) 작품을 끝냈음을 알리는 편지

It's finished! A scrataching of the pen writing the final word, and suddenly this entire company of people who have spoken into my ear, gesticulated before my eyes, lived with me for so many years, becomes a band of phantoms who retreat, fade, and dissolve--are made pallid and indistinct by the sunlight of this brilliant and sombre day.

- 951028 - Edward Noble (1-252)

It took me 3 years to finish the "Folly". There was not a day I did not think of it . Not  a day. And after all I consider it honestly a miserable failure. Every critics (but two or three) overrated the book.

line by line, rather than page by page. (PR)


(950924) Garnet

Willems and Aissa : To me they are typical of mankind, where every individual wishes to assert his power, woman by sentiment, man by achievement of some sort - mostly base.