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콘래드, 조지프/콘래드 편지 11

The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 6 (17-19) (100) I need not point out that I had to make material from my own life's incidents arranged, combined, coloured for artistic purposes. I don't think there's anything reprehensible in that. After all I am a writer of fiction; and it is not what actually happened, but the manner of presenting it that settles th literary and even the moral value of my work. My little vol: of aut.. 2018. 12. 13.
The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 5 589) “I am something else, and perhaps something more, than a writer of the sea—or even of the tropics,” he insisted.21 (Sea Writer. May 19, 1916) 2018. 12. 13.
The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 4 (137) Yet a man who puts forth the secret of his imagination to the world accomplishes as it were a religious rite. [08. Lucas] (408-09) I was nineteen before I learned English. My first English reading was the Standard newspaper, and my first acquaintance by the ear with it was in the speech of fishermen, shipwrights and sailors of the East Coast. But in 1880 I had mastered th.. 2018. 12. 13.
The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 3 (89) Both at sea and on land my point of view is English, from which the conclusion should not be drawn that I have become an Englsihmen. That is not the case. Homo duplext has in my case more than one meaning [Homo duplex와 관련된 주도 볼 것] 031205 (94) 03. 12. 16. Kazimierz Waliszewski - 파리에 사는 폴란드 역사가. 콘래드에 대한 논문을 씀 As to t.. 2018. 12. 13.