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콘래드, 조지프/콘래드아프리카제국66

카렌 블릭센 - 아웃 오브 아프리카(Karen Blixen [Isak Dinesen] - Out of Africa). 1937. [Time], 1963. * Editors' Preface xiv) her father had gone to the United States, 가죽 사냥꾼(fur trapper), - lived with the Indians and came to have the same high regard for them as his daughter was to have for the natives of Africa. [아버지와 할아버지가 모두 글쓰기에 관심] xv) 남편 - 헤밍웨이의 단편, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber의 .. 2019. 3. 8.
Kevin Grant. The Congo Free State and the New Imperialism. 2017. (4) 21. Edmund Morel - from Affairs of West Africa 95) The native living within these territories has been depived by Royal Decree of his rights as a land-owner. Property held for centuries by well-defined native laws, vested in particular families and tribes, has been appropriated without consulting the interested parties, let alone compensating them. - Since he[natives] cannot di.. 2019. 1. 30.
Kevin Grant. The Congo Free State and the New Imperialism. 2017. (3) 11. Antoine Boongo - Oral History regarding the Arrival of European Officers and Missionaries at Wangat in the Equateur District ca. 1883-1896 56) 유럽인 - wandering spirits of dead ancestors 57) We did not give it to them for free; they paid five vessels of cowries and beads, and six pieces of ifulunkoi fabric. - [스탠리 등이 지역민의 닭을 잡아 먹음. 후임.. 2019. 1. 29.
Kevin Grant. The Congo Free State and the New Imperialism. 2017. (2) [Part Two] The Documents 1. David Livingstone (1857) (29) 1877년 스탠리는 콩고 강의 지도를 완성하고 그것을 이용해 콩고 자유국을 건설. 스탠리는 자신이 리빙스턴의 일을 이어나간다고 봄. (30) I might have gone on instructing the natives in religion, but as civilization and Christianity must go on together, I was obliged to find a p.. 2019. 1. 29.