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The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 3

by 길철현 2018. 12. 13.

(89) Both at sea and on land my point of view is English, from which the conclusion should not be drawn that I have become an Englsihmen. That is not the case. Homo duplext has in my case more than one meaning [Homo duplex와 관련된 주도 볼 것] 031205 

(94) 03. 12. 16. Kazimierz Waliszewski - 파리에 사는 폴란드 역사가. 콘래드에 대한 논문을 씀

 As to the 'inferiority of the races', I mean to protest -- although, if I gave you the wrong idea of my purpose, the fault is obviously mine. It's the difference between the races that I wanted to point out.

[[어둠의 심연]의 인종주의에 대한 비판에 대해서 아마도 변명하는 듯]

- 프랑스 군대가 함포를 쏘는 것(Dahomey와 전쟁)

- [진보]의 두 인물에 대한 설명.

Kazimierz Waliszewski (031216) 원문 불어

As to the 'inferiority of the races', I mean to protest--although, if I gave you the wrong idea of my purpose, the fault is obviously minde. It's the difference between the races I wanted to point out. [어둠]에 드러난 인종차별 혹은 인종주의에 대한 변명.

As to my two fine fellows who chase each othe with revolvers in the 'OP', I rebel. Kayerts is not ea French name. Carlier perhaps, but as soon as I name him, I hasten to say that he is a former cavalry n.c.o.  of an army protected from all danger by several European powers. I took the trouble to make a soldier out of that animal deliberately. They are gallant Belgians--God bless them; and they were recognized as such here and in Brussels when the tale appeared in 1898 in Cosmoplis, a now-defunct review.

(276) For myself I don't know what my philosophy is. I was not even aware I had it. Am sorry to think I must have since you say so. Shall I die of it do you think? [Garnett. 0507]

(401) English is still for me a foreign language whose handling demands a fearful effort (3, 401)

(408) 콘래드가 멜빌에 대해 이야기를 하는 부분

Years ago I looked into Typee and Omoo, but as I didn't find there what I am looking for when I open a book I did go no further. Lately I had in my hadn Moby Dick. It struck me as a ratehr strained rhapsody with whaling for a subject and not a single sincere line in the 3 vols of it.