1. UK 지도
1-1. Stonehenge
B.C. 2333
Celt 족 기원전 5세기 경
로마 B.C. 55
2. Anglosaxon 침략 (450년 경 부터)
2-1. St. Augustine (D. 604. Archbishop of Canterbury)
2. Bede(c. 673 - 735)
3. Alfred the Great (통치 기간 871 - 899)
4. Norman Conquest (1066)
Norseman - Norman
[Beowulf 예고편] Official Trailer https://youtu.be/wrE_Lc3c0LY
[Beowulf] Grendel https://youtu.be/eWmiv9uIXQk
[Beowulf] Beowulf comes to help https://youtu.be/-A9rFt7ITy4
[Beowulf] Beowulf Grendel Fight https://youtu.be/KNaj7uCVPCI
[Beowulf old English] https://youtu.be/CH-_GwoO4xI
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