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콘래드, 조지프/박사논문(콘래드)

조지프 콘래드(조셉 콘라드 - Joseph Conrad) 작품 연보

by 길철현 2017. 6. 21.

- 장편소설(Novel)

1. Almayer's Folly (1895)

2. An Outcast of the Islands (1896)

3. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' (1897)

4. Lord Jim (1900)

5. Nostromo (1904)

6. The Secret Agent (1907)

7. Under Western Eyes (1911)

8. Chance (1913)

9. Victory (1915)

10. The Shadow Line (1917)

11. The Arrow of Gold (1919)

12. The Rescue (1920)

13. The Rover (1923)

[Suspense: A Napoleonic Novel (1925; unfinished, published posthumously)]

[The Sisters (1928; unfinished, published posthumously)]


[Ford Madox Ford 합작]

1. The Inheritors (with Ford Madox Ford) (1901)

2. Romance (with Ford Madox Ford, 1903)

3. The Nature of a Crime (1923, with Ford Madox Ford)

- 단편 * 중편 소설집 (Short Stories * Novella)

1. Tales of Unrest (1898)

2. Youth: A Narrative; and Two Other Stories (1902)

3. Typhoon and Other Stories (1903)

4. A Set of Six (1908)

5. 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912)

6. Within the Tides (1915)

7. Tales of Hearsay (1925)

[단편 * 중편 소설집 수록 작품]

1. Tales of Unrest (1898)

- Karain: A Memory

- The Idiots

- An Outpost of Progress

- The Return

- The Lagoon

2. Youth: A Narrative; and Two Other Stories (1902)

-  Youth: A Narrative

-  Heart of Darkness

- The End of the Tether

3.  Typhoon and Other Stories (1903)

- Typhoon

- Amy Foster

- Falk: A Reminiscence

- To-morrow

4. A Set of Six (1908)

- Gaspar Ruiz

- The Informer

- The Brute

- An Anarchist

- The Duel

- Il Conde

5. 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912)

- A Smile of Fortune

- The Secret Sharer

- Preya of the Seven Isles

6. Within the Tides (1915)

- The Planter of Malata

- The Partner

- The Inn of the Two Witches

- Because of the Dollars

7. Tales of Hearsay (1925)

- The Warrior's Soul

- Prince Roman

- The Tale

- The Black Mate

- 자전 * 노트 * 편지

1. The Mirror of the Sea (1906)

2. A Personal Record (1912)

3. Notes on Life and Letters (1921)

4. Last Essays (1926)

<> [작품 보유] <>

- 장편소설(Novel)

1. Almayer's Folly (1895)  Dell(1970) / Wordsworth(2011)

2. An Outcast of the Islands (1896) Oxford(2009)

3. The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' (1897) Doubleday(1952) / Norton(1979)

(조셉 콘라드 - 나르시스호의 검둥이. 이경수 옮김. 문학아카데미(1992))

4. Lord Jim (1900) Signet(1961) / Norton(1968) 

(조셉 콘래드 - 로오드 짐. 조운석 옮김. 학원(1984)

조셉 콘래드 - 로드 짐 1, 2. 이상옥 옮김. 민음사 (1-2009, 2-2007))

5. Nostromo (1904) Random House(1951) / Signet(1960)

(조셉 콘래드 - 노스트로모. 조미나 옮김. 누멘(2011)

6. The Secret Agent (1907) Penguin(1994)

7. Under Western Eyes (1911) Penguin(1980)

(조셉 콘라드 - 서구인의 눈으로. 김상무 역. 1982(?) 복사본)

8. Chance (1913) Bantam(1985)

9. Victory (1915) Penguin(1994)

10. The Shadow Line (1917) Wordsworth(1998)

11. The Arrow of Gold (1919) First World Library(2007)

12. The Rescue (1920) Penguin(1950)

13. The Rover (1923) Oxford(1992) / Oxford(2011)

[Suspense: A Napoleonic Novel (1925; unfinished, published posthumously)]

[The Sisters (1928; unfinished, published posthumously)]


[Ford Madox Ford 합작]

1. The Inheritors (with Ford Madox Ford) (1901) [Kindle - The Complete Works]

2. Romance (with Ford Madox Ford, 1903) [Kindle - The Complete Works]

3. The Nature of a Crime (1923, with Ford Madox Ford) [Kindle - The Complete Works]

- 단편 * 중편 소설집 (Short Stories * Novella)

1. Tales of Unrest (1898) [Kindle]

2. Youth: A Narrative; and Two Other Stories (1902)

(Shina -Youth / Heart of Darkness(1979)

 Heart of Darkness - Bantam(1988)  Norton(1988) Penguin(2007)

The End of the Tether - Dell(1960))

3. Typhoon and Other Stories (1903) William Heinemann(1927)

4. A Set of Six (1908) Methuen(1926)

5. 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912) Penguin(1988)

6. Within the Tides (1915) Penguin(1978)

7. Tales of Hearsay (1925)

[The Complete Short Fiction of J. C. Vol. II - Ecco(1992)]

[단편 * 중편 소설집 수록 작품]

1. Tales of Unrest (1898)

- Karain: A Memory

- The Idiots

- An Outpost of Progress

- The Return

- The Lagoon

2. Youth: A Narrative; and Two Other Stories (1902)

-  Youth: A Narrative

-  Heart of Darkness

- The End of the Tether

3.  Typhoon and Other Stories (1903)

- Typhoon

- Amy Foster

- Falk: A Reminiscence

- To-morrow

4. A Set of Six (1908)

- Gaspar Ruiz

- The Informer

- The Brute

- An Anarchist

- The Duel

- Il Conde

5. 'Twixt Land and Sea (1912)

- A Smile of Fortune

- The Secret Sharer

- Preya of the Seven Isles

6. Within the Tides (1915)

- The Planter of Malata

- The Partner

- The Inn of the Two Witches

- Because of the Dollars

7. Tales of Hearsay (1925)

- The Warrior's Soul

- Prince Roman

- The Tale

- The Black Mate

- 자전 * 노트 * 편지

1. The Mirror of the Sea (1906) Methuen(1928) / Oxford(1988)

2. A Personal Record (1912) Oxford(1988) / Bibliobazaar(2006) 

3. Notes on Life and Letters (1921) Doubleday, Page and Company(1924)

4. Last Essays (1926) Kindle
