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콘래드, 조지프/박사논문(콘래드)

Joseph Conrad - Marlow [조지프 콘래드 - 말로] (Oxford Companion)

by 길철현 2017. 12. 10.

(219) Charlie라는 이름(first name)은 딱 두 번 [암흑의 핵심]에서만 언급이 됨.

"'You forget, dear Charlie, that the laborer is worthy of his hire,' she said, brightly.

I, Charlie Marlow, set the women to workto get a job.

[ [Lord Jim]에서 Charley, my dear chap, your dinner was extremely good이라고 말하는 부분이 나옴. 22] 

- 콘래드의 자전적인 분신(alter ego)

[청춘] Palestine 호에서 겪었던 경험에 기초

[암흑] 콩고 경험에 기초

- 차이점

말로는 콘래드와 달리 폴란드와 관련이 없는 영국인

말로는 미혼, 여성 혐오증적인 경향(misogynist)

(하지만 콘래드 작품에 외국인성이 많이 드러난다고 지적하는 비평가들. 버지니아 울프. - 이 부분 나는 콘래드와 말로를 착각하여 읽었음. 하지만 내 생각에는 말로의 외국인성이 은연중에 드러나기도 함.)

그리고 다음 부분도 외국인의 입장에서 영국인을 보는 듯한 인상을 줌. 

“You understand this? I don't think one of those chaps expected to get down in the usual

way. When we did I heard them saying to each other, 'Well, I thought we would come down

overboard, in a lumpsticks and allblame me if I didn't.' 'That's what I was thinking to

myself,' would answer wearily another battered and bandaged scarecrow. And, mind, these were

men without the drilled-in habit of obedience. To an onlooker they would be a lot of profane

scallywags without a redeeming point. What made them do itwhat made them obey me when

I, thinking consciously how fine it was, made them drop the bunt of the foresail twice to try and

do it better? What? They had no professional reputationno examples, no praise. It wasn't a

sense of duty; they all knew well enough how to shirk, and laze, and dodgewhen they had a

mind to itand mostly they had. Was it the two pounds ten a month that sent them there? They

didn't think their pay half good enough. No; it was something in them, something inborn and

subtle and everlasting. I don't say positively that the crew of a French or German merchantman

wouldn't have done it, but I doubt whether it would have been done in the same way. There was

a completeness in it, something solid like a principle, and masterful like an instincta disclosure

of something secretof that hidden something, that gift, of good or evil that makes racial

difference, that shapes the fate of nations. (82-83)

- [Youth: A Narrative and Two Other Stories] 작가 노트에서 콘래드가 직접 설명.

(220) 말로의 목소리는 항상 익명의 frame-narrator[바깥-화자, 테두리-서술자] 에 의해 중재됨.

(Youth - 런던의 선술집? 네 명의 청자 중 한 명)

(HD - Nellie. 네 명의 청자 중 한 명

Lord Jim - one of the after-dinner listeners

Chance - Marlow's nameless friend)

- 말로는 전적으로 oral narrator. 청자 중의 한 명에 의해 읽을 만한 형태로 전환.

- 말로의 orality에 따른 문제점.

- Lord Jim에서의 말로가 가장 초기(아직 동양에서 선원 일을 하고 있을 때) / [Youth에 등장하는 말로느?]

또 여러 번에 걸쳐 세상의 먼 부분에서 이야기(many times, in distant parts of the world)

- Gerard Genette : pseudo-iterative

statements presented as typical or recurring are nevertheless rendered in such detail as to preclude the realistic possibility of exact repetition.

(221) The precise nature of Marlow's post-maritime career is never explained, but he is sometimes suddenly 'called to town on business' and 'detained in town from week to week', and he tell Fyne that he 'had business at the Docks' (Oxford 221)

(221) 여성혐오적이면서도 [우연]에서는 Flora de Barral에 깊은 관심을 보임.

- For myself it's towards women that I feel vindictive mostly, in my small way. (150)
