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Selected Letters from Africa and After [HD - 3]/ 기타 관련된 편지들

by 길철현 2018. 8. 29.


(52) Karol Zagorski / Freetown, Sierre Leone (900522)

What makes me rather uneasy is the information that 60 per cent. of our Company's employees return to Europe before they have completed even six months' service. Fever and dysentery! There are others who are sent home in a hurry at the end of a year, so that they shouldn't die in the Congo. God forbid! It would spoil the statistics which are excellent, you see! In a word, there are only 7 per cent. who can do their three years' service.

(1890, 9, 24) Maria Tyszkowa

- I have lived long enough to realize that life is full of griefs and sorrows which no one can escape, nevertheless I cannot help feeling sad at the thought that people whom I love must suffer, and are suffering.

(90. 9. 26) Marguerite Poradowska

- Decidedly I regret having come here. I even regret it bitterly.

- Everything here is repellent to me. Men and things, but men above all. (이 아래 부분에서 manager인 Delcommune에 대한 비난. Del이 콘래드를 나쁘게 봐서 애초 생각했던 대로 배를 맡을 수 없다는 것. 건강이 나쁜 것.

- the truth is that in going up the river I suffered from fever four times in two months, and then at the Falls, I suffered an attack of dysentery lasting five days.

(63) while reading your dear letters I have forgotten Africa, the Congo, the black savages and the white slaves (of whom I am one) who inhabit it.

(62) Everything here is repellent to me. Men and things, but men above all. And I am repellent to them, also. From the manager in Africa who has taken the trouble to tell one and all that I offend him supremely, down to the lowest mechanic, they all have the gift of irritating my nerves--so that I am not as agreeable to them perhaps I should be.(이 아래 부분에서 manager인 Delcommune에 대한 비난. Del이 콘래드를 나쁘게 봐서 애초 생각했던 대로 배를 맡을 수 없다는 것. 건강이 나쁜 것.

- the truth is that in going up the river I suffered from fever four times in two months, and then at the Falls, I suffered an attack of dysentery lasting five days.

(1891. 2. 1?) M. Poradowska

- The older I get, the more stupid I become

(285) I used to have swollen veins in both legs after my return from the Congo] (Garnett - 960606)

(291) Garnett. 960722

- I am sure You will understand the reason and meaning of every detail. 이하 부분. 책 읽는 장면. Carl이 무장하지 않은 이유

(294) [96. 7. 22] Fisher Unwin [Outpost of Progress]

All the bitterness of those days, all my puzzled wonder as to the meaning of all I saw - all my indignation at masquerading philanthropy have been with me again, while I wrote.

--It is a story of the Congo. There is no love interest in it and no woman-only incidentally. The exact locality is not mentioned. All the bitterness of those days, all my puzzled wonder as to the meaning of all I saw--all my indignation at masquerading philanthropy have been with me again, while I wrote. The story is simple-- there is hardly any description. The most common incidents are related--the life in a lonely station on the Kassai. I have divested myself of everything but pity--and some scorn--while puttind down the insignificant events that bring on the catastrophe.

(295) 960805 Garnett

글쓰기의 불확실성

(300) 960814

- You are right in your criticism of Outpost. The construction is bad. It is bad because it was a matter of conscious decision, and I have no discrimination--in artistic sense.

- Let me assure You that your remarks were a complete disclosure to me. I had not the slightest glimmer of my stupidity. I am now profoundly thankful to find I have enough sense to see the truth of what You say.

- It's very evident that the first 3 pages kill all the interest. And I wrote them of set purpose!! I thought I was achieving artistic simplicity!!!!!!! Now, of course, the thing--the res infecta(the imperfect thing)--is as plain as a pikestaff. It does not improve my opinion of myself and of my prospects. Am I totally lost? Or do the last few pages save the thing from being utterly contemptible? You seem to think so--if I read your most kind and friendly letter aright.

(412)  If one of the stories to give the title to the whole then: An Outpost of Progress must be first. (T. Fisher Unwin. 971124)


(139) 98.12. 31. William Blackwood [Heart of Darkness]

The title I am thinking of is 'The Heart of Darkness' but the narrative is not gloomy. The criminality of inefficiency and pure selfishness when tackling the civilising work in Africa is a justifiable idea. The subject is of our time distinc[t]ly – though not topically treated." It is a story as much as my OP was but, so to speak 'takes in' more--is a little wider--is less concentrated upon individuals. (Collected Letters 2: 139-40).


(1903. 12. 17) Roger Casement

- There can be no do doubt that his[E. D. Morel. The Congo Slave State] presentation of the commercial policy and the administrative methods of the Congo State is absolutely true. It is a most braxen breach of faith as to Europe. [in flouting the stipulations of the Confernece of Berlin] (1885)

(94) 03. 12. 16. Kazimierz Waliszewski - 파리에 사는 폴란드 역사가. 콘래드에 대한 논문을 씀

 As to the 'inferiority of the races', I mean to protest -- although, if I gave you the wrong idea of my purpose, the fault is obviously mine. It's the difference between the races that I wanted to point out.

[[어둠의 심연]의 인종주의에 대한 비판에 대해서 아마도 변명하는 듯]

- 프랑스 군대가 함포를 쏘는 것(Dahomey와 전쟁)

- [진보]의 두 인물에 대한 설명.

(They are gallant Belgians--God bless them; and they were recognized as such here and in Brussels. . . . )

(96) (12. 21)  Roger Casement [3 -96]

- 여전히 콩고 자유국에서 자행되고 있는 원주민에 대한 학대

- [Black man's] happiness and misery are much more complex than the misery or happiness of animals and deserving of greater regard [than animals]. He shares with us the consciousness of the universe in which we live - no small burden.

- Barbarism per se is no crime deserving of a heavy visitation; and the Belgians are worse than the seven plagues of Egypt insomuch that in that case it was a punishment sent for a definite transgression;

- the slave trade was an old established form of commercail activity; it was not the monoploly of one small country established to the disadvantage of the rest of the civilized world in defiance of international treaties and brazen disregard of humanitarian declarations.

- 과거에는 영국이 유럽의 양심을 지키는데 힘을 썼음.

- That precious pair of Africa witch-men seem to have cast a spell upon the world of whites - I mean Leopold and Thys of course.

- Congo State ; ruthless systematic cruelty towards the blacks is the basis of administration, and bad faith towards all the other states the basis of commercial policy.

(101) Graham. 1903. 12. 26

Their [our modern Conquistadores - 아프리카 식민주의자들] achievement is monstrous enough in all conscience--but not as a great human force let loose, but rather like that of a gigantic and obscene beast. Leopold is their Pizarro, Thys thier Cortez and their "lances" are recruited amongst the souteneurs, sous-offs, maquereaux fruit-secs [ponces, N.C.Os, pimps and losers] of all sorts on the pavements of Brussels and Antwerp.

(102) He[Roger Casement] could tell you things! Things I've tried to forget; things I never did know.


(595) John Quinn 160524

 the work he[Roger Casement] was busy about then was recruiting labour. He knew the coast languages well. I went with him several times on short expeditions to hold "palavers" with neighbouring village-chiefs. The object of them was procuring porters for the Company's caravans from Matadi to Leopoldville--or rather to Kichassa (on Stanley Pool).