IV. Master in the British Merchant Marine 1886-1890
(118) Marguerite Poradowski와의 친교 (1848 -1937) 콘래드보다 아홉 살 연상
1890년 1월 31일에 처음 만남. 1895년부터 5년 정도의 기간 동안 두 사람이 주고 받은 서한이 없음. 콘래드가 Marguerite에게 청혼했을 가능성.
(119) 폴란드의 미래에 대한 어두운 전망 - 1885년에 Kliszczewski
(122) 콘래드는 [어둠의 심연]에 나오는 것처럼 Freiesleben의 죽음으로 아프리카로 예정보다 빨리 가게 됨.
- the news had reached Brussels of the murder by local tribesmen on 29 January of Johannes Freiesleben, the Danish master of the steamship Florida.
v. To the End of the Night 1890
(123) 레오폴(드) 2세가 [콩고 자유국]을 식민지로 만든 것은 비교적 늦은 시기
- 베를린 회의: 레오폴 2세는 유럽 강대국들의 경쟁 관계 등 정칙 역학을 잘 이용하여 광대한 영토를 식민지로 만듬. (영국은 별다른 관심을 보이지 않음.) 이것이 어떻게 진행되었는지를 잘 이해하는 것이 중요하기는 함. [역사적 맥락에서 이 두 작품을 파악하는 것]
- 스탠리 : 1879년 1884년 콩고 유역 탐사
- The Society had two objectives; to spread the financial burdens of colonization among a body of shareholders and to stimulate the development of the country
; to monopolize trading by the state and to build up an administrative network.
(124) 출발 당시에는 경제적인 이유 이외에 "문명화의 사업"에 동참한다는 생각이 조금은 있었을 수도 있음.
(127) Casement - 철도 사업 책임자.
(128) 강제 노역에 동원된 사람들은 임금을 거의 못 받음 (they worked for no or little pay)
- It is evident that Korzenowski was struck at first by the greed and the duplicity of the white bearers fo "civilization" eager for quick profits, and by the chaos and stupidity of man of their enterprises. It was only later that he became aware of the outrages perpetrated against the native population and their country.
(133) Delcommune과의 불화 ; he was not goinf to command a ship on the Congo
(134) [Sherry가 콩고 강에 증기선이 많았음을 이야기하는 것에 대해, Nadjer는 콘래드가 묘사한대로 여전히 교역량이 별로 없고(6대) 외진 곳].
- 콘래드보다 6개월 뒤에 콩고 강을 지나간 인물 ; The country is ruined. there is not an inhabited village left
(135) The main object of the Arab penetration of West Africa was the slave trade, which the European countries strongly opposed, thereby helping the natives. This help was, however, only temporary, since European exploitation turned out to be more drastic and even more destructive for the blacks than the old form.
(136) In place of romance and adventure he found ruthless competition for trade and power, and an organization bent on making quick, huge profits. . . .
(138) It is difficult to ward off the suspicion that the explanation[콘래드와 델코민을 비롯한 다른 사람들과의 불화] lay precisely in those "base instinct" that motivated not only Delcommune but also the Company itself and practically everything else that Korzeniowski had unexpectedly encountered in Africa.
- 수백 퍼센트의 수익을 올림. 고무와 상아를 획득하는데 들어가는 비용을 줄이려고 애를 씀.
(139) This period[1890년 도 후반] of obscurity, mystery, and struggle agatinst death was also, according to all evidence, the time when the final change took place in Korzeniowski's way of looking at the African reality and the categories of apprehending it.
(140) he was aware of having been only a step from himself becoming one of the gang of plunders.
[콘래드 자신 또한 자신의 경제적 이익을 위해 원주민들을 억압하고 착취하는 식민주의자들과 별로 멀리 떨어져 있지 않다는 자각. 이 깨달음도 중요하다.]
- (140) (101) Graham. 1903. 12. 26 [3권]
Their [our modern Conquistadores - 아프리카 식민주의자들] achievement is monstrous enough in all conscience--but not as a great human force let loose, but rather like that of a gigantic and obscene beast. Leopold is their Pizarro, Thys thier Cortez and their "lances" are recruited amongst the souteneurs, sous-offs, maquereaux fruit-secs [ponces, N.C.Os, pimps and losers] of all sorts on the pavements of Brussels and Antwerp.
(102) He[Roger Casement] could tell you things! Things I've tried to forget; things I never did know.
(140) He saw for himself what those "humane and benevolent purposes" meant in practice; how under the guise of "maintaining order" bloody pacifications and hunting for laborers took place; how crops were being destroyed and villages burnt in order to force the natives to work; how minor offences were punished by flogging men or cutting off their hands[콘래드는 로저 케이스먼트에게 보낸 편지에서? 목격한 적이 없다고 말했음]; and how in every case the main motive of action was the desire for a quick gain. Hence, the origin of Conrad's obvious aversion to colonialism, visible in his works but by no means common in contemporary literature, particularly in England. Until then he had only very superficial knowledge of colonialism, acquired on his sea voyages and travels between the islands of the Malay Archipelago.
(141) 콘래드는 아프리카에 오기 전에는 식민주의에 대해 피상적인 지식 밖에 없었고, 아프리카 경험을 통해서 인간이 다른 인간에게 얼마나 잔인하게 행동할 수 있는지를, 식민주의의 폐해를 직시하게 되었다고 Najder는 이야기하는데, 이 부분은 좀 더 생각을 해볼 필요가 있음.
- 아프리카 경험: a condemnation of colonialism and a rejection of the "land-dwelling" community.
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