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콘래드, 조지프/진보의전초기지

Robert Hamner. The Enigma of Arrival in "An Outpost of Progress"

by 길철현 2019. 3. 5.

The Enigma of Arrival in "An Outpost of Progress" /

171) 콘래드가 성인 시기 동안 식민주의와 직접적인 접촉. 쇠퇴하는 유럽의 제국.

172) 네이폴: 포스트콜로이얼 작가들과 콘래드의 연관성을 처음을 부각시킴?

- Wilson Harris: the harbinger of a liberating breakthrough.

- 콘래드의 천재성을 칭찬; "an original necessity for distortions in the stases[정지 상태, 울혈 상태] of appearance that seem sacred and that cultures take for granted as models of timeless dignity."

173) Naipaul - the finest thing Conrad wrote(231-32) The Mimic Men 고대 도서관

[내가 쓴 부분과 유사한 면이 있다.]

175) "타자성"의 문제를 다루고 있음.

- Said : He was misled by language even as he led language into a dramatization no other author really approached. For what Conrad discovered was that the chasm between words saying and words meaning was widened, not lessened, by his talent for words written (116) Conrad: The Presentation of Narrative

176) one mark of Conrad's genius is the skein of language that creates an experience wherein readers must negotiate the latent meanings sustained between the poles of arbitrary sign and mutable cultural significance.

- Giorgio de Chirico ; The Enigma of the Arrival and the Afternoon 1912)

- V. S. Naipaul : The Enigma of Arrival (1987)

177) feel something resembling affection for one another [OP]

(애정과 닮았다는 말인데, 왜 resemble에 강조점을 두는가?)

- alienated men in an alienating landscape

(거대한 자연 앞에서 느끼는 왜소함)

178) pretend to keep a correct account

[pretend - deviancy in Makola's character]

-  Sufficiently perceptive to despise the dregs of white culture in the persons of Kayerts and Carlier, he still affects the name, languages, skills, and methods of white enterprise in Africa.

- The Mimic Men: 머콜라는 자신의 정체성이 없기 때문에, 지배적인 문화의 정체성을 따름.

- white man's functionary

180) Embedded in this entire sequence of events is the irony of black slave traders exploiting this region of central Africa more efficiently than the minions of Europe.

- 디렉터의 도착 : two months and one crucial day too late

- 마지막 장면 : the futility of the entie enterprise

- No progress has been made. No one has satisfactorily achieved a desired goal. No dramatization of arrival passes without its enigmatic twist.

182) Jakob Lothe : [A]  troublesome combination of pessimism and ambiguity.. is enhanced through the diverse use of irony. The range of irony is remarkable: it moves beyond the commentary of the story's authorial theorizing intellect, it is more sophisticated and varied; and in this capacity it modifies the authority of the authorial narrator while at the same time increasing the short story's overall complexity and suggestiveness (171).

- 그림과 글의 공통점: The individual shrinks before the immensity of the unfamiliar, the displacement between perception and reality.

185) 커츠의 그림이 암시하는 바: Kurtz's judgment on the European presence in Africa

- Kayerts's posthumous irreverence toward the Managing Director is simultaneously Conrad's thumbing of the nose at nineteenth-century hubris.