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독학사 미국문학

시대개괄 5. 1945 - 현재 (포스트모더니즘)

by 길철현 2016. 10. 10.



*Cold War (1949 - 54)

Cold War에 대한 이미지 검색결과









*Korean War (1950 -53)

Korean War에 대한 이미지 검색결과





Korean War에 대한 이미지 검색결과










* John F. Kennedy 대통령 암살 (1963)











* Vietnam War (1964년 미국 참전)

vietnam war에 대한 이미지 검색결과























* Apollo 11 달 착륙 (1969년)


Apollo 11에 대한 이미지 검색결과





* World Trade Center Attack (2001. 9. 11)





(Howl Trailer) https://youtu.be/Ba9yazkl0UE

(Kill Your Darlings trailer) https://youtu.be/AxGgkEHmHHg



(Joseph Heller -Catch 22) https://youtu.be/Unn8fgs8fao

(Vladimir Nabokov Lolita) https://youtu.be/ihZ-aIJj6-g

                           (You never Let me have a fun)       https://youtu.be/6zfXkQ5QkrE

                           (I'm just a normal guy)   https://youtu.be/wIb3cRvQYw8

(Jerzy Kosinski Being There) https://youtu.be/oOOghKacg40

(Ken Kesey one Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) https://youtu.be/LBHN7aJGogY

(Sylvia [Plath] Trailer) https://youtu.be/rPK5dnE9CS4





* Saul Bellow (1915 - 2005)


Image result for saul bellow






* Bernad Malamud (1914 - 1986)




Image result for Bernard Malamud









* Robert Lowell (1917 - 1977)


Image result for Robert Lowell






* Sylvia Plath (1932 - 1963)

Image result for sylvia plath




* Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997)


Image result for allen ginsberg



Kill Your Darlings(2013)   https://youtu.be/AxGgkEHmHHg


* Joseph Heller (1923 -1999)



Catch 22(2017) https://youtu.be/JARn16yojbQ

(1970) https://youtu.be/DiQSNT8VvV0


* Thomas Pynchon (1937 - )



Image result for thomas pynchon




* John Barth (1930 - )


Image result for john barth







* Ralph Ellison (1914 - 1994)


Image result for Ralph Ellison






*Tennessee Williams (1911 - 1983)

tennessee williams에 대한 이미지 검색결과





You must be Stanley HD https://youtu.be/V6TrgQxf3lk




* Arthur Miller (1915 - 2005)


arthur miller marilyn monroe에 대한 이미지 검색결과


Image result for marilyn monroe



 Death of a Salesman Tr.  https://youtu.be/zsJhonpcetk




* Edward Albee (1928 - 2016)


edward albee에 대한 이미지 검색결과

(Who's Afraid of VW. Trailer) https://youtu.be/4vIUGN8CGjE


Dance Scene https://youtu.be/WWdK9nhQpE0








(Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf)    https://youtu.be/FXoOWszUIb0