콘래드, 조지프296 V. I. 레닌 - 제국주의론. 남상일. 백산서당. [1917] [감상] 정신 분석이 내 30대와 40대의 주된 화두였다면, 50대의 화두는 제국주의라고 해야 할 듯하다. 싫든 좋든 우리는 제국주의의 유산 속에서 살고 있으므로, 그 말의 부정적 함의뿐만 아니라, 19세기 말부터 20세기 중반까지 이어진 유럽 각국(그리고 아시아에서는 일본)의 제국주의적 팽.. 2018. 12. 30. Benita Parry. Conrad and Imperialism. Macmillan. 1983 1. Introduction (1) Conrad in his 'colonial fictions' did not presume to speak for the colonial peoples nor dis he adress them, and this aloofness is registered in portraits of iconic fiqures posed against archetypal landscapes, it also spared his writing the excess of that sentimentality joined with paternalistic reproof which was a characteristic feature of the nineteenth-ce.. 2018. 12. 26. [전기] Frederick R. Karl. Joseph Conrad, The Three Lives. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. [Part IV] IV. In Leopold's Congo 1889-1890 C12. 266) Almayer를 쓸 때의 상황. A Personal Record 68270) Flaubert's sense of language leads to Joyce, not to Conrad, although there is some overlap. 272) Conrad had no one but himself, and his transformation from mariner to writer was an intensely internal decision veiled from the observer and perhaps even from his own consciousness. What is remarkable is that outsid.. 2018. 12. 24. [전기] John Stape - The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad. Pentheon 3. Crisis: Finding a Home (1890-1895) 62) Johannes Freiseleben의 죽음 (Fresleven)- Mary Kingsley : there is no other region in the world that can match West Africa for the steady kill, kill, kill that its malaria works on the white men who caome under the influence. - 콘래드처럼 nervous하고 어릴 적 병력이 있는 사람이 버티기에는 적합하지 않은 지역. - Even as he was preparing to leave Europe, the international "Brussels Conference.. 2018. 12. 23. 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 74 다음