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남아있는 나날 (Remains of the Day) - 제임스 아이보리 (1993)

by 길철현 2017. 2. 12.

***Remains of the Day (second time) ***** [95년]

This movie was made very formulary, but well-made. It shows the essence of the professionalism about one's job.

The playing of Anthony Hopkins' was excellent, and that of Emma Thomson's remarkable.

It tells mainly about the job ‘burtler'(집사라는 직업), but it also deals with the love between Mr. Stevens and Miss Canton(?). Like any other good movies this movie makes us think about life. And It's not easy to summarize the story, we can feel and perceive something but the words are not fit for that.

(Watch again sometime and write a more elaborate note.)