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콘래드, 조지프/박사논문(콘래드)

Cedric Watts. "Edward Garnett's Influence on Conrad." Conradiana. [19992] [CI -451]

by 길철현 2019. 1. 14.


출판사측 전문독자이자 문학적 조언자로서 가닛은 콘래드에게 일종의 "문학적 아버지"였다(실제로 콘래드는 편지에서 그렇게 언급을 하고 있다). 콘래드가 가닛의 조언을 얼마나 따랐는지, 가닛은 콘래드의 위대성을 최초로 알아보고, 그에게 얼마나 용기를 북돋아주고, 또 문장들을 갈고 닦게 했는지 그런 것을 추적한 논문이다.



(451) The Inheritors - Lea로 나옴. the dedicated 'publisher's reader'

(452) He was probably more significant as a generator of literary taste than any academic critic could be.

- Garnett: My thesis was that the life Conrad had witnessed on sea and land must vanish away into the mist, and fade utterly from memory did he not set himself to record it in literature.

(453) Without underestimating the roles of other figures[Bobrowski and Marguerite Poradowska]. . . , it is clear that Edward Garnett was the sole figure who . . . could stress the importance of further work strongly based on Conrad's peripatetic experience of the world and . . . could libricate and sensitively mediate Conrad's always temperamental movement towards sustained relationships with publishers.

- Hew was keen to assil any writing which appeared to him to be conventional, sentimental, melodramatic or commercial, and keen to praise and inculcate radicalism, scepticism, irony, vivid imagery, and a romanticism controlled by sharply realistic detail. [투르게네프와 모파상]

- 가닛이 그래엄과 그래엄의 아내의 원고에 꼼꼼하게 주석을 단 것.

(454) Conrad remodelled the ending in response to Garnett's complaints about 'the psychology of Willems motives and behaviour just before his death at Aissa's hands.

- 'All the paragraph marked by you . . . shall be cut out

(455) he helped to shape the direction of Conran's future work:

- by ensuring the demise of The Sisters and by assailing the unrealistic dialogue of 'The Return'

- Conrad. 'Yor are my "father in letters" and must bear the brunt of that position. (961025)

- The Nigger는 W. E. Henley(New Review)의 취향을 고려한 것. 영국 찬양, 사회주의 아이디어 비판.

(456) Garnett - Mr. Conrad is an artist of artists.

- 가닛의 [어둠의 심연] 비평

The stillness of the sombre African forests. . .

[인종주의적인 면이 그대로 노정되고 있음]

- Nostromo 비평 중 자연과 인간의 관계에 대해서

- In Mr. Conrad's vision we may image Nature as a ceaselessly-flowing infinite river of life, out of which the tiny atom of each man's individual life emerges into sight, stands out in the surrounding atmosphere, and is lost again in the infinite succession of the fresh waves of life into which it dissolve.

(457) '카레인' 수정한 것.


(458) 1. Garnett was from the start an enthusiastic encourager of Conrad

2. Garnett influentially expressed the highest praise for some of Conrad's works, and declared that Conrad was to be regarded as one of the world's greatest novelists.

- Garnett was an encourager, partly an advisor, an indefatigable publicist. . . . and an influential interpreter.

(459) Implicit in Edward Garnett's work as Conrad's encourager, adviser, agent, critic, publicist and proof-reader was a combination of hero-worship, astute appreciation and warm affection; one might as well call it love.