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철학으로/플라톤 (Plato)

플라톤 - 파르메니데스 [Plato - Parmenides]

by 길철현 2016. 9. 17.



*if the one is one in every sense, the one cannot stand to the things that are 'not one' either as whole to parts or as part to whole, nor again can the things which as whole to parts or as part to whole, nor again can the things which are 'not one' be parts of the one or wholes of which the one is part. (939) ?

*The words 'is not' mean simply the absence of being from anything that we say is not. We do not mean that the thing in a sense is not, though in another sense it is. The words mean without any qualification that the thing which is not in no sense or manner is, and does not possess being in any way. So what is not cannot exist or have being in any sense or manner. (953)

*It seems that, whether there is or is not a one, both that one and the others alike are and are not, and appear and do not appear to be, all manner of things in all manner of ways, with respect to themselves and to one another. (956)


이 대화편은 젊은 소크라테스가 파르메니데스를 만나서 그가 말한 만물은 하나이다(all is one)"라는 명제의 정당성을 논구하는 것이다. 하지만, 그 논구를 따라가기가 지극히 난해해서, 표면적인 글자만 읽은 느낌이다. 이 어려움은 존 버닛의 글에서 해설을 읽을 때도 마찬가지였다.