콘래드, 조지프/콘래드 편지11 The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 2 (16) The machine is thinner than air and as evanescent as a flash of lightning. The attitude of cold unconcern is the only reasonable one. Of course reason is hateful - but why? Because it demonstrates to those who have the courage that we, living, are out of life - utterly out of it. (16) The mysteries of a universe made of drops of fire and clods of mud do not concern us in t.. 2018. 12. 13. The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 1 (12) 1885년 10월 13일/ Spiridion Kliszczewski [조국을 잃어버린 상황에 대한 이야기] for, whatever may be the changes in the fortunes of living nations, for the dead there is no hope and no salvation! We have passed t[h]rough the gates where "lasciate ogni speranza"[Abandon all hope] is written in letters of blood and fire, and now the gate is shut on the light .. 2018. 12. 13. Selected Letters from Africa and After [HD - 3]/ 기타 관련된 편지들 [1] (52) Karol Zagorski / Freetown, Sierre Leone (900522) What makes me rather uneasy is the information that 60 per cent. of our Company's employees return to Europe before they have completed even six months' service. Fever and dysentery! There are others who are sent home in a hurry at the end of a year, so that they shouldn't die in the Congo. God forbid! It would spoil th.. 2018. 8. 29. 이전 1 2 3 다음