콘래드, 조지프/콘래드 편지11 Almayer's Folly와 관련된 편지들 there is - 940424 - Poradowska / (1-153) 작품을 끝냈음을 알리는 편지 It's finished! A scrataching of the pen writing the final word, and suddenly this entire company of people who have spoken into my ear, gesticulated before my eyes, lived with me for so many years, becomes a band of phantoms who retreat, fade, and dissolve--are made pallid and indistinct by the su.. 2019. 7. 26. The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 9 9 2018. 12. 13. The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 8 (130) get freed from that infernal tale of ships : 콘래드에게 꼬리표처럼 따라다니던 "해양 작가"라는 딱지. Spinner of sea-yarns - master-mariner - seaman writer (230714 / 8-130) in the body of my work barely one-tenth is what may be called sea stuff [이 부분도 충분히 인용할 만하다.] The nature of my writing runs the risk of being obscured by .. 2018. 12. 13. The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad Vol. 7 ㅗㅗ 2018. 12. 13. 이전 1 2 3 다음