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콘래드, 조지프/어둠의 심연

Norman Sherry - An Outpost of the Progress. [Conrad's Western World]

by 길철현 2017. 11. 10.

[Norman Sherry] (노트 6)

- Introduction


 One's literary life must turn frequently for sustenance to

memories and seek discourse with the shades, unless one has made

up one's mind to write only in order to reprove mankind for what

it is, or praise it for what it is not, or--generally--to teach

it how to behave. (A Personal Record, A Familiar Preface)

(3) 개인적 체험, 다른 사람의 관련된 체험에서 자신의 경험의 범위에서 완전히 벗어난  재료(material)에 대한 숙고로 바뀜.

(So far as Conrad's source material was concerned, it became possible to detect a strong movemnet away from inspired analyses of personal experience or the related experiences of others (which is in some wasys the mark of an amateur) to the contemplation of material entirely outside the bounds of his own experience (which in some wasy is the mark of a professional).

(4) 플롯, 다양한 인물, 주제를 찾기 위해 후기로 갈 수록 책에 많이 의존.

(14) Stanley가 갖는 중요성

(15) 선장의 죽음(Freiesleben(실제) - Fresleven)

(21) Alphose Keyaerts - Kayerts

(24) [프랑스 군이 밀림에 대포를 쏘아대는 것 등을 비롯하여] While we cannot be certain that this was Conrad's reaction to his experiences at the time, the technique employed - that of underlining the futility by removing the point and purpose of the actions - is  to be observed throughout the story, and it can be shown that often Conrad is deliberately distorting his experience to obtain such and effect. ['무익성, 무의미성'을 강조하기 위해 경험을 왜곡 변형하는 경향]

(30-31) 철로 건설 또한 무익한 것으로 묘사.

(34) To equate Marlow's experience with Conrad's at this point is to ignore the facts of the settlement at Matadi, and the evidence which Conrad provides in his diary. Particularly striking is the fact that the diary contains no mention of a grove of death or of the ill-treatment of the natives (up to this point), which surely would have been recorded had they formed part of his experience. [콘래드와 말로의 거리의 문제를 치밀하게 쓰는 것도 흥미로운 일일 듯.]

(34) [Graham이 콘래드에게 편지를 쓴 것이 [진보]를 읽고 난 다음이었다는 것을 기억해 둘 것]

(39) 말로와 콘래드 여행은 다름. 특히 여행 시간에서 큰 차이를 보임.

(47) Conrad's reasons for disliking Delcommune, which must have accumulated as they travelled to and from Stanley Falls together, were of too personal a nature to be significant in the story, but he could make Delcommune the source for the unpleasant manager who is intriguing against Kurtz. [개인적 원한이 얼마나 작용하고 있는가?]

(49) Roi des Belges 항행 - 한 달이 채 안 걸렸고, Klein을 데려오려면 다른 증기선을 이용할 수도 있었음. [콘래드가 당시 상황을 왜 심하게 변용했는가, 하는 것, 아프리카의 원시성을 왜 그토록 강조했는가, 하는 것이 풀어야 할 숙제 중의 하나]

(54) 무장한 원주민을 흐트리기 위해서 증기선의 기적을 많이 이용. 하지만 실제로는 이 당시 원주민들도 증기선에 익숙해져 있었음.

(56) pilgrim: 아이러니

(59-60) the Bangalas were joyfully cannibalistic.

원주민 - Ah, I wish I could eat everybody on earth.

원주민 노인 - 일곱 명의 아내를 죽이고 사체를 먹음.

(61) Disentangling fact from fiction in the actual journey up-river, we are left not with a mysterious and dangerous journey into the unkown and the primitive during which the passengers are beset by an ignorant greed for ivory, and the captain, Marlow, is the isolated and dedicated workman intent on the immediated difficulties of his job, but with a routine, highly organised venture along a fairyly frequented riverway linking quite numerous settlements of trading post and factories, and with a number of competent and busy men on board, and with Conrad there to learn the route under the guidance of a skilled captain. (Kinchassa to Stanley Falls)

(64) Inner station - 분주하고 번성한 주재소.

(67) 아랍인들과 벨기에 인들 사이에 강한 긴장이 있었음. raiding, killing and collecting slaves - 아랍인들의 방식.

(70) It was a thriving station bedevilled only by political difficulties in the relations with Arab slavers, and by strong competition at this great centre for ivory between the Dutch and Belgian houses.

(72) 원고에 Kurtz가 아니라 Klein이라는 이름 사용했다가 지움.  Klein이 주재소 소장을 맡은 것은 콘래드가 콩고에 도착하기 한 달 전.

- a young man with a year-and-a-half's experience in the Congo, and probably no more than four months as agent at Stanley Falls.

(78) Kurtz와 Klein의 차이점.

(79) I regretted the omission of various scenes, one of which described the hero lying sick to death in a native hut, tended by an old negress who brought him water from day to day, when he had been abandoned by all the Belgians. "She saved my life", Conrad said, "the white men never came near me." (79. Garnett 편지 introduction) [인종주의자라는 말에 대한 반박]

(83) 1890년 9월 26일자 편지 Poradowska. 고독감, 사람들과의 불화.

(88) 여행의 막바지에 가장 심하게 앓음. (they very nearly buried me.)

(90) the effects of the Congo upon Conrad were life-long.

The influence of the experience, particularly the severe sickness and the sense of failure and frustration which his Congo trip must have engendered, are surely accurately reflected in Marlow's feelings of estrangement from the human race when, on his return, he 'tottered about the streets. . . grinning bitterly at perfecrtly respectable persons'. [마지막 이 부분은 [걸리버 여행기]에서 걸리버가 Houyhnhnm 여행을 마치고 돌아왔을 때의 느낌과 유사]

(91) Kurtz can be viewed as a symbolic representation of the evil of that particular exploitation and its effects on man's soul.

(92) 커츠를 소개하는 문학적 기법은 찬탄할 만한 것. which engages and raises the reader's interest, at once creating suspense, plot, and a basic irnoy, but it is a process of acquaintanceship existing in real life.

(95) Arthur Eugen Constant Hodister

(100) he appears to have been present 'at certain midnight dances ending with unspeakable rites'.

(122) Nellie: Conrad saile don the Thames immediately before and immediately after his Congo trip. he had, like Marlow, told stories to his fellow sailors of his past experiences. The Nellie belonged to his old friend G. F. W. Hope.

(124) His Congo epsode, the fate of Hodister, the trips on the Nellie, and Stanley's speech.


(125) '진보의 개념에 대한 아이러니.

- A Victim of Progress

- 인간의 본성에 대한 사회의 제약의 효과의 필요성과 고독과 원시(the primitive)가 인간에게 미치는 붕괴(disintegrating) 효과에 대한 믿음.

- 커츠가 겪게 될 어려움의 전조

- true enough in its essentials

- 전임자가 sunstroke로 죽었다는 것은 소설에서 fever로 죽었다고 말하는 것과는 차이가 있음. [exposed himself recklessly to the sun -5, 로 볼 때 둘을 같은 것으로 볼 수 있음.]

(이야기 자체는 위에 언급한 주제를 보여주기 위해 만들어 낸 것)

(126) 야생과 고독 속에서 퇴화되는 두 인물.

- -오브리는 agentHarou로부터 이 이야기를 들었다고 함. (콘래드 진술의 신빙성) [128 2]

- 주재소의 완전한 고립

(127) managing director - Stanley 자신.

[콘래드는 이 작품의 전개에 StanleyThe Congo and the Founding of Congo Free State를 많이 참조한 듯이 보임. 셰리가 든 예들을 볼 때.]

(129) 셰리는 콘래드가 스탠리의 책을 많이 참조하였다고 봄.

(130) 고독감 때문에 실제로 자살한 백인이 있었음.

- 흑인 추장 Gobila 이야기도 스탠리의 책에 나옴.

(133) 백인은 모두 형제라는 이야기

-결론 : [진보][암흑]보다 콘래드가 책에서 읽은 부분들을 더 많이 토대로 한 것으로 보이지만, [암흑]에서 보다 완전하게 또 솜씨 있게 다룰 주제들을 다루고 있음은 분명함.



- Geography and Some Explorers.