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콘래드, 조지프/어둠의 심연

Peter Brooks - An Unreadable Report: Conrad's Heart of Darkness. [N4] 1984.

by 길철현 2018. 5. 28.


(376) the shape and epistemology of narrative

-  전통적 서사의 조직적 특성에 대한 예리한 자의식. 물려받은 의미의 질서의 부적절성에 대한 지속적인 언급을 하고 있음.

- notable uncertainties

- Marlow's narrative plot will more and more as it proceeds take as its story what Marlow understands to be Kurtz's story.

(377) There is an absurd disproportion between the ordering systems deployed and the triviality of their effect, as if someone had designed a machine to produce work far smaller than the energy put intoit.

(378) an unreadable report - Kurtz's Report - with its utterly contradictory messages.

                                         Marlow's eventual retelling of the whole affair

- The text : a repeated "trying out" of orders/ cover up a very lack of possibility of order.

- Marlow's inquest, in the manner of the detective's, becomes the retracing of the track of a precursor.

- Todorov : fablula(story) sjuzet(plot) [The Poetic of Prose]

[탐정 이야기처럼 커츠의 여행을 말로가 재여행하면서 재구성한다는 것은 흥미로운 착상이기는 하지만, 작품의 앞부분이 갖는 의미를 평가절하한다.] 하지만 전체적으로 의식적인 이야기에서 무의식적인 이야기로 흘러가는 그런 면이 없지 않다.