필자는 콘래드가 처음에는 이 작품을 제국주의 혹은 식민주의의 비인간성을 파헤치는 것으로 시작했다가, 커츠를 좀 더 다른 각도에서 다루면서 사회적인 문제를 넘어서, 심리적인 면을 다루는 작품으로 나아간 것이라고 주장하고 있는 듯하다(읽은 지 시간이 좀 지나서 정확하게 기억이 잘 나지 않는다). Conrad envisions the form of community in which social organization becomes psychological expression.
- to appreciated the tale as a psychological fiction is to appreciate the way it must excavate a place for the mind. Here is Conrad's promised apres: the psyche is a sequel to society.
(392) 초반부 - Youth, An Outpost of Progress의 결합. 사회적 문제를 다루고 있음.
(393) the poor chap. Kurtz will experience a "devilish initiation" into the secrets of the jungle
an "initiated wraith from the back of Nowhere.
- The idea of an "initiation" provides a useful way to think about the changing perspective in the tale.
[이상을 지닌 인물, 그러면서도 그곳에서 높은 지위를 향해 나가는 인물. 그것이 어떻게 가능할까, 하는 생각에서 말로는 커츠에 관심을 가지는가?]
(396) Max Weber : bureaucarcy represents the triumphh of reasoned method and "the exclusion of love, hatred, and every purely personal, especially irrational and incalculable, feeling from the execution of official tasks." [관료주의에 대한 비판]
(400) Kurtz represents both the reductio of imperialism and its andtithesis.
(401) Conrad envisions the form of community in which social organization becomes psychological expression.
- to appreciated the tale as a psychological fiction is to appreciate the way it must excavate a place for the mind. Here is Conrad's promised apres: the psyche is a sequel to society.
(404) Conrad longs to overcome the separation between fact and value; he longs to see value lodged securely in fact so that the individual need not rely on the rickety apparatus of social ethics.