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콘래드, 조지프/말로(Marlow)

Frame-Narrative - Conrad. (Oxford)

by 길철현 2019. 4. 11.

Allan H. Simmons (124-25)

- one narrative is embedded within--or 'framed' by --another.

- This is generally a loose, informal narrative, involving an intermedieary narrator, and told in the manner of a reminiscence.

- [어둠의 심연]은 콘래드의 작품 중 이 기법을 사용한 가장 잘 알려진 예

- "The Lagoon" (1896) "Karain"에서 실험.

- the use of frame-narrative calls attention to the role of the reader by dramatizing the presence of the narratee.

- The self-conscious emphasis upon the link between the tale and its recipient at this moment in Conrad's career may owe something to his developing sense of an English audience.

- Youth의 경우 : Blackwood's Magazine의 독자들을 염두에 두었음.

('작가의 말'에 나오는 다음 부분에 주의를 기울일 것 - The three stories in this volume lay no claim to unity of artistic purpose. The only bond between them is that of the time in which they were written. They belong to the period immediately following the publication of The Nigger of the "Narcissus," and preceding the first conception of Nostromo, two books which it seems to me, stand apart and by themselves in the body of my work. It is also the period during which I contributed to "Maga"; a period dominated by Lord Jim and associated in my grateful memory with the late Mr William Blackwood's encouraging and helpful kindness.)

- Frame-narrative dramatizes the connection between the tale and its recipients, and thus emblematizes the reciprocal relationship between the author and his readers.

(one writes only half the book; the other half is with the reader)

- Ian Watt: the embodied audience in HD restores 'the old friendly commerce of oral storyteller and the listening group.'

- 액자 화자가 말로의 친구 : 이야기에 the status of a personal experience conveyed to friends.

(두 액자 화자의 차이 - Youth의 액자 화자는 말로의 정확한 철자조차 헛갈려 함.)

- Cedric Watts : 말로와 액자화자의 관계 : social custom의 측면

(the technique dramatizes 'the social customs of an age of gentlemen's clubs and semi-formal social gatherings at which travellers would meet to compare notes and exchange yarns about foreign experiences.'

- about the telling of a tale, about the responsibilities and difficulties of seeing truly, judging fairly and expressing adequately.

- The fact that Marlow's narrative is framed by the narrative of one of his listeners advertises, through the disjunction[분열] between private and social experience, the subjective and relative nature of perception that is such a feature of Modernist narrative.

[지각의 주관적이고 상대적인 특성, 본질] 이 말이 갖는 중요성.

- No, it is impossible; it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one's existence,that which makes its truth, its meaningits subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we dreamalone. . . ."

- frame-narrative implies a rejection of full narratorical or authorial understanding and, instead, self-consciously high-lights the process of interpretation.

(해석의 과정이 갖는 중요성.)

- [이 아래 부분 잘 볼 것] both contiguity - separation

- frame-narrative serves tp dramatize the incompleteness of the experience.

- Whether one argues that the outer and inner narratives are in agreement or in opposition, the presence of the frame-narrative ensures a dialogue between the story's different narrational levels.

(Samuel Beckett - the whisky bears a grudge against the decanter.)


Jacob Lothe: Conrad's Narrative Method.