viii) I approach Marlow as a mimetic portrait, an imagined human being whose thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, including his story-telling, are expressions of his personality and experience.
[말로를 인물로 접근하겠다는 말]
ix) LJ - 짐의 이야기로 시작하지만 곧 말로와 짐의 이야기, 그리고 the effect of their interaction on both men.
- Conrad's Lamarkian belief [이 부분 나중에 꼼꼼이 읽을 것]
2) The tendency has been to look through Marlow to Conrad rather than at Marlow as an object of interest in his own right, a principal subject of the works in which he appears.
3) 콘래드와 말로의 관계
- Ian Watt: a "reliable reflector of the clarities and ambiguities of the implied author" (217)
- author와 character의 거리. (때로는 아이러니컬하게 취급되는 not-always-reliabel narrator)
4) Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg - The Nature of Narrative (도서관)
mimetic character
5) 세 작품에 등장하는 말로 동일인.
Part one
C1. Young Marlow
12) 청춘과 어둠의 말로는 모두 낭만적. LJ의 말로는 콩고 이후의 말로.
13) 화자 : 젊은 시절의 자신을 condescension and envy의 혼합 가운데 봄.
- He sees how foolish he was but feels a great nostalgia for the sense of glamour and the conviction of strength he has lost. He is a disenchanted romantic.
17) [청춘과 어둠의 말로는 제국주의적 낭만주의에 물들어 있었다.?]
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