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콘래드, 조지프/말로(Marlow)

Marlow - Oxford

by 길철현 2019. 5. 1.

- Conrad's autobiographical alter ego : 콘래드의 개인적 체험에 의존

- ethnic background가 다름 (Marlow is an Englishman without Slavic origins) - 말로가 영국인이 아니라는 느낌을 주는 곳.

- marital states (Marlow never marries, and becomes increasingly misogynist)

- Conrad(Author's Note) : a clever screen, a mere device, personator, a familiar spirit, a whispering daemon.

- Frame-narrator : one of the after-dinner listeners in LJ / Marlow's nameless friend in Chance.

(Marlow is exclusively an oral narrator, and his statements are converted into readable form by a member of his audience.)

- LJ : 여러 번에 걸쳐 말해짐

(pseudo-iterative - Gerard Genette - statements presented as typical or recurring are nevertheless rendered in such detail as to preclude the realistic possibility of exact repetition.)

[LJ가 길어짐에 따라 시간적으로 여러 해에 걸쳐서 일어난 일들이 이야기 되고 있음.]

- Youth에서 바깥화자가 말로 이름의 스펠링을 잘 모르는 것.

- HD. Marlow - the 'dark places of the earth' include central London as well as central Africa.

- Guerard :  이 작품이 말로에 대한 것이라고 함.

- Chance : The precise nature of Marlow's post-maritime career is never explained, but he is sometimes suddenly 'called to town on business' and 'detained in town from week to week'. Flora de Barral.

- 'For myself it's towards women that I feel vindictive mostly, in my small way.

Pierre Vitoux