(30년만에 [정신분석입문]을 다시 읽는다. 이번에는 영역본이다(독어 실력이 되어서 독어로 이 책을 읽을 수 있다면 가장 좋겠지만 현재의 내 독어 실력으로는 언감생심이다). 정신분석에 관심을 갖고 정신분석을 공부하고 있기는 하지만, 아직도 기초가 허약한 부분이 많아서, 다시 기초를 다진다는 의미(무슨 영문법을 공부하는 것도 아닌데)에서 이 책을 읽어나가기로 한다. 이 책은 1915년부터 17년까지 3번에 걸쳐서 분할 출판 되었다가 1917년에 통합되어 발표되었으니까, 프로이트 이론의 변천 측면에서 보자면, 인간의 마음(정신)을 의식, 전의식, 무의식의 세 부분으로 나누어보는 지정학적 모델(topographical model)에 기초한 것이다. 따라서 이드와 자아, 초자아로보는 구조적 모델(혹은 제2 지정학적 모델)은 아직 도입되지 않은 시기이다.)
(11-12) Psycho-analysis brings forward so much that is new, and among it so much that contradicts
traditional opinions and wounds deeply rooted feelings, that it is bound at first to provoke denial. A reader who suspends his judgement and allows psycho-analysis as a whole to make its
impression on him will perhaps become open to a conviction that even this undesired novelty is worth knowing and is indispensable for anyone who wishes to understand the mind and human
life. (Preface to the Hebrew Translation [1930])
- Part I Parapraxes (실착) 착오, 실책 행위, 실수
(21) Two of the hypotheses of psycho-analysis are an insult to the entire world and have earned its dislike. one of
them offends against an intellectual prejudice, the other against an aesthetic and moral one.
(21)-- mental processes are in themselves unconscious and that of all mental life it is only certain individual acts
and portions that are conscious. [독어에서 무의식과 의식을 가리키는 용어 Unbewusst와 bewusst는 문법적으로 수동적 형태이고 일반적으로 수동적으로 사용된다고, 편집자인 스트래치는 말하고 있음. 이 부분을 기억하는 것이 중요.]
(22-23) We believe that civilization has been created under the pressure of the exigencies of life at the cost of
satisfaction of the instincts; adn we believe that civilization is to a large extent being constantly created anew, since
each individual who makes a fresh entry onto human society repeats this sacrifice of instinctual satisfaction for the
benefit of the whole community. [대부분의 경우 독어 Trieb의 번역어인 instinct는 drive가 더 적절할 듯. 우리말로도 본능보다는 욕동이 더 적절할 듯. 스트래치는 Trieb를 instinct로 옮길 수밖에 없었던 사정을 (어디선가) 자세히 밝히고 있는데, 그 중 하나는 drive에 영어 형용사 형태가 없다는 것이었다. 어떤 사람들은 instinctual drive라는 용어도 쓴다.]
(23) Society believes that no greater threat to its civilization could arise than if the sexual instincs were to be
liberated and returned to their original aim. [후에 이 문제는 [문명과 그 불만](1930)에서 보다 자세하게 다루어졌다.]
(23) Now it is inherent in human nature to have an inclination to consider a thing untrue if one does not like it, and
after that it is easy to find arguments against it.
[프로이트의 이 글은 무의식(감정?)의 우위를 주장하는 것인데, 니체적인 면모도 엿볼 수 있다. 니체와 프로이트의 연관성이나 영향에 대해서는 우리 나라에서는 이창재가 많이 연구했다.]
(30) . . . the mishap of a parapraxis is liable to occur precisely if special importance is attached to correct
functioning and there has therefore certainly been no distraction of the necessary attention.
(33). . . the commonest slips of the tongue are when, instead of saying one word, we say another very much like it;
and this similarity is for many people a sufficient explanation such slips.
(33) The most usual, and at the same time the most striking kind of slips of the tongue, however, are those in which one says the precise opposite of what one intended to say.
(44) [Parapraxes] are not chance events but serious mental acts; they have a sense; they arise from the concurrent action - or perhaps rather, the mutually opposing action - of two different intentions.
(58) All those of us who can look back on a comparatively long experience of life will probably admit that we should have spared ourselves many disappointments and painful surprises if we had found the courage and determination to interpret small parapraxes experienced in our human contacts as auguries and to make use of them as indications of intentions that were still concealed.
(65) The mechanism of a slip of the tongue : it is forced back. The speaker decideds not to put it into words, and
after that the slip of the tongue occurs; after that, that is to say, the purpose which has been forced back is put intowords against the speaker's will, either by altering the expression of the intention which he has permitted, or by mingling with it, or by actually taking its place.
(66) the suppression of the speaker's intention to say something is the indispensible condition for the occurrence of a slip of the tongue.
(66) parapraxes are the outcome of a compromise: they constitute a half-success and a half-failure for each of the two intentions; the intention which is being challenged is neither completely suppressed nor, apart from special cases, carried through quite unscathed.
(74 - 75) [An important] principle . . . for the causation of neurotic symptoms : the memory's disinclination to remembering anything which is connected with feelings of unpleasure and the reproduction of which would renew the unpleasure.
(76) . . . mental life is the arena and battle-ground for mutually opposing purposes or, to put it non-dynamically, that it consists of contradictions and pairs of contaaries. (계속)
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