콘래드, 조지프/진보의전초기지37 Nils Clausson. "A Scrupulous Unity of Tone": [1] "A Scrupulous Unity of Tone": Irony, Narrative Focus, and the Representation of Africa(ns) in Conrad's "An Outpost of Progress" CEA Critic Vol. 71, No. 3 (SPRING AND SUMMER 2009), pp. 70-84 The Johns Hopkins University Press [본문] 70) Sarah Cole - Conrad's "status as an archetypal modernist whose fractured, convulsed narratives represent the turmoil of a literary practice a.. 2019. 2. 28. Norman Friedman - Point of View in Fiction: The Development of a Critical Concept [2] II. 1168) the questions must be something like the following: 1) Who talks to the reader? (author in third or first person, character in first, or ostensibly no one); 2) From what position (angle) regarding the story does he tell it? (above, periphery, center, front, or shifting); 3) What channels of information does the narrator use to convey the story to the reader? (author'.. 2019. 1. 24. Norman Friedman - Point of View in Fiction: The Development of a Critical Concept [1] PMLA, Vol. 70, No. 5 (Dec., 1955), pp. 1160-1184 Modern Language Association 1160) Joseph Warren Beach could write: "In a bird's eye view of the English novel from Fielding to Ford, the one thing that will impress you more than any other is the disappearance of the author. [저자의 사라짐] - Bradford A. Booth wrote in 1950: "It has been said that the most significant chan.. 2019. 1. 23. J. C. Hilson and D. Timms. Conrad's "An Outpost of Progress" Or, The Evil Spirit of Civilization. 1975 Robert Hamner. ed. Joseph Conrad: Third World Perspectives. Three Continents Press. Washington. 1990 [정리] 두 필자간 쓴 "고빌라"에 관한 짧은 글을 흥미롭게 읽었는데, 이 글은 그보다 2년 전에 쓴 것으로, [진보]에 대해서 [어둠]의 예비작이라거나 미성숙한 작품이라는 평자들의 평가절하에 맞서, 이 작품이 "it .. 2018. 12. 17. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 10 다음