* Joseph Conrad. A Personal Record. Oxford
- Author's Note
(iii) 왜 모국어로 글을 쓰지 않는가?의 문제.
(iv) I didn't know anything about Malays. [말레이 인에 대해서 잘 몰랐다는 사실. 그럼에도 그것을 소재로 해서 썼다는 사실]
(v) The truth of the matter is that my faculty to write in English is as natural as any other aptitude with which I might have been born. 이 뒷부분도 자세히 읽어볼 것.
(vi) 설명하기가 어려움.
(-) All I can claim after all those years of devoted practice, with the accumulated anguish of its doubts, imperfections and falterings in my heart, is the right to be believed when I say if I had not written in English I would not have written at all.
[다시 읽고]
(iii) one of them[two points] bears upon the question of language. I have always felt myself looked upon somewhat in the light of a phenomenon, a position which outside the circus world cannot be regarded as desirable.
(v) This misapprehension, for it is nothing else, was no doubt my fault. I must have expressed myself badly in the course of a friendly and intimate talk when one doesn't watch one's phrases carefully. My recollection of what I meant to say is: had I been under the necessity of making a choice between the two, and though I knew French fairly well and was familiar with it from infancy, I would have been afraid to attempt expression in a language so perfectly "crystalized." This, I believe, was the word I used.
(v) The truth of the matter is that my faculty to write in English is as natural as any other aptitude with which I might have been born. I have a strange and overpowering feeling that it had always been an inherent part of myself. English was for me neither a matter of choice nor adoption. The merest idea of choice had never entered my head. And as to adoption--well, yes, there was adoption; but it was I who was adopted by the genius of the language, which directly I came out of the stammering stage made me its own so completely that its very idioms I truly believe had a direct action on my temperament and fashioned my still plastic character.
(vi) All I can claim after all those years of devoted practice, with the accumulated anguish of its doubts, imperfections and falterings in my heart, is the right to be believed when I say that if I had not written in English I would not have written at all.
(vii) 아버지에 대한 이야기. (콘래드는 아버지가 혁명주의자가 아니라고 하지만 사실이 아님.)
(viii) He was simply a patriot in the sense of a man who believing in the spirituality of a national existence could not bear to see that spirit enslaved.
(ix) 아버지의 원고. Cracow 도서관에 남아 있음. 복사를 하려했으나 일차세계대전 발발로 못함.
[조국을 등진 것에 대한 합리화 혹은 필연성. 식민지 백성이 싫다는 것.]
(vI) Nothing is more foreign than what in the literary world is called Slavonism, to the Polish temperament with its tradition of self-government, its chivalrous view of moral restraint and an exaggerated respect for individual rights; not to menttion the important fact that the whole Polish mentality, Western in complexion, had received its training from Italy and France and, historicall, had always remained, even in religious matters, in sympathy with the most liberal currents of European thought.
- A Familiar Preface
(xi) the right word의 중요성. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense. (이 부분의 논의 잘 볼 것.)
(xii) Give me the right word and the right accent and I will move the world.
(xiii) Writing about them(imaginary things, happenings, and people), he is only writing about himself. (이 부분 논의 특히 중요.
(xv) one's literary lif must turn frequently for sustenance to memories and seek discourses with the shades, unless one has made up one's mind to write only in order to reprove mankind for what it is, or praise it for what it is not, or ... to teach it how to behave.
(--) [dryness of the heart에 대한 비난에 대한 대답] 소설에 자전적 요소가 들어갈 수밖에 없음. My answer is that if it be true that every novel contain an element of autobiography - and this can hardly be denied, since the creator can only express himself in his creation -- then there are some of us to whom an open display of sentiment is repugnant.
(xvii) 소설에서 미적인 것만을 추구(a form of the Beautiful)
(xviii) 상상의 세계에는 양심 외엔 제약이 없음.
(xxi) the vision of a personality. the man behind the books so fundamentall dissimilar as . . . "Almayer's Folly" and "The Secret Agent," and yet a coherent, justifiable personality both in its origin and in its action.
(9) 여러 해 동안 [올메이어]와 그 세계는 내 상상의 친구들이었음.
(13) When I grow up I shall go there. 이 부분에 대해서도 글을 써볼 수 있음
(15) William Henry Jacques에게 자신의 작품을 보여주었고, 칭찬을 받아서 상당히 고무되었음.
(30) 어머니의 죽음.
[여기까지 읽고 재독 중단]
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