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콘래드, 조지프/올메이어

Almayer's Folly Contemporary Reviews [Sherry - Critical Heritage]

by 길철현 2019. 8. 15.

1. Daily News

47) the psychological study of a sensitive European.

[과연 올메이어가 '예민하다'고 할 수 있는가? 이기적이고 환상에 빠져 있는 인물]

- The author is intimately acquainted with Borneo and its people.

2. Scotsman

- 생생한 묘사

(if not from an intimate experience of life in Borneo, then from a great gift of imagination)

3. Daily Chronical

- 자연 묘사가 이야기의 일부 (World와 겹치는 것은 무슨 까닭?)

4. Arthur Waugh - Critic

50) Borneo, a tract hitherto untouched by the novelist

51) Conrad is far from being a master of his art.

5. World

- Altogether the book is as dull as it could be. (비판적)

6. Athenaeum

52) semi-savage daughter

- AF is a genuine piece of work, and, in spite of several crudities and awkwardnesses, shows considerable promise.

7. H. G. Wells. Saturday Review

- AF is a very powerful story, indeed, with effects that will certainly capture the imagination and haunt the memory of the reader

53) the central conception is the relapse of their daughter from the colonial version of civilization to a barbrice life.

- a high place among contemporary story-tellers.

- It is indeed exceedingly well imagined and well written, and it will certainly secure Mr. Conrad a high place among contemporary story-tellers.

8. James Ashcrofr Noble. Academy

54) so much more of a promise than of a performance

- 단점들이 많음.

- Almayer, the disappointed, broken-down European-alone among the wily, half-savage Malays-is certainly distinct enough, and is not wanting in sombre impressiveness.

9. Speaker

55) departs from many other conventions of the novelist's art

- the white man who ahs gone through all the bitter experience of a life-long exile among an inferior race.

- semi-barbarism

56) Nina : in the end it is the savage strain in her nature that conquers.

["야만적인 혈통(기질)" 때문에 니나가 다인을 선택한 것이 아니다. 자신의 행복을 추구하기 위한 의식적인 선택이다.

이 시기의 비평들은 대체로 '인종주의'에 물들어 있다.]

10. Guardian

57) one of the most charming romances

- his is evidently not the hand of a novice

11. Bookman

58) it has great qualities, picturesqueness, poetry, deep human sympathy, restraint, and literary ability of a very marked kind.

- The slow, vague, mysterious East has cast its spell over Mr. Conrad, with results not conducive to the interest of volatile European readers.

12. Literary News

59) the essential selfishness of a weak moral nature and the affection for his daughter.

60) It leaps at once to a place of its own - a place which ought to rank its author high among novelists worthy of the anme in its best sense.

13. Nation

- We have become inured to tiresome fiction supposed to be descriptive of outlandish places, but a feeling of resentment smoulders. AF offers a good opportunity  for protest. Borneo is a fine field for the study of monkeys, not men.

[당대 비평 중에서 Nation에 실린 이 비평이 가장 부정적이고 인종주의적이다. 마지막 부분은 정말 끔찍스러울 정도의 말이다.]

14. Spectator

61) It is extremely powerful all through, though the plot is not so well compacted as it might have been.

- he might become the Kipling of the Malay Archipelago.

[이 당시 키플링의 인기를 생각해보면 굉장한 칭찬]