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[콘래드 전기] Bernard C. Meyer. Joseph Conrad. Princeton. 1970. (1967)[151217 정리] [151219 끝] (버나드 마이어 - 조셉 콘래드)

by 길철현 2016. 10. 6.

*Bernard C. Meyer. Joseph Conrad. Princeton [151217 정리] [151219 ]


이 책은 내가 논문을 쓰는데 있어서 많이 의존하기도 해야겠지만, 다른 한편으로는 또 비판의 대상이기도 하다. 콘래드의 전기이자, 그의 작품에 대한 정신분석적 해석인 이 책은 마이어의 전문가적인 지식이 돋보이면서 또 다른 한편으로는 모든 것을 정신분석적인 시각으로 풀어버리는 단선적인 위험도 동반된다.

그래도, 이 책은 콘래드가 왜 영국을 택했고, 또 영어로 작품을 쓰게 되었는지에 대해 구체적인 증거를 제시해준다. 문제점은 콘래드의 일생과 작품이 정신분석적으로 어느 정도 해명 가능하다고 해도, 그의 작품이 - 이것은 이 책을 읽을 때 공책에 쓴 것이긴 한데 - 지닌 가치를 제대로 부각시키지는 못한다는 점이다. 거기다 콘래드의 상황이나, 작품에 대해 다른 방향에서 해명하고 접근한다면 전혀 다른 결론이 나올 수도 있다.

그리고 하나 집중해서 생각해야 할 점은 콘래드의 작품이 Under Western Eyes를 마지막으로 하향곡선을 그렸는가 하는 점이다. Moser의 이론을 마이어는 그대로 받아들이면서, 작품뿐만 아니라, 콘래드가 인간적으로도 더욱 병적으로 되었다고 이야기하고 있는데, 이 부분은 깊이 생각해야 할 부분이다.

(작품 해석 중 안 읽은 작품에 관한 이야기는 그냥 따라 읽을 수밖에 없었다는 점이 안타까웠고 그래서 현재 작품을 부지런히 읽고 있다. 많은 고민이 뒤따라야 할 것이다.)


(4) to discover the roots of those reiterated themes of rescue and betrayal with which he was so manifestly obsessed.   


(24) In the colony of exiles composed of the three Korzenowskis and 21 other people, mostly priests from Poland and Lithuania, little Conrad found himself in a completely adult community apparently without a single playmate.

[유배지에 갔을 때 어른들에 둘러싸여 있었던 상황. 4살 때]


(29-30) 중요.

영국에 대한 콘래드의 환상은 조국이라는 것이 자신을 지켜주지 못하기 때문에 당시 가장 강한 국가였던 영국에 자신의 안전을 위탁한 측면. 선원이 된 것은 물론 모험을 즐기고 싶었던 마음. 두 가지 마음의 교차를 읽어야 한다. 특히 A Personal Record에 기록된 영국인에 대한 묘사(My unforgettable Englishman)는 이 부분과 관련해서 자세히 분석해볼 필요가 있다.


(30) through a process of incorporation, a hesitant and sickly Polish orphan was transformed into an impressive, vigorous, and substantial figure - Captain Korzeniowski, British Master Mariner.


(33)[중요] It seems likely that in Conrad's eyes to have remained in Poland would have been tantamount to resigning himself to a climate where everyone and everything he had cherished had crumbled, and where he himself might well be the next to perish.


(42) the character of the inhibited Conrad, who was exceedingly shy and uncomfortable with women who aroused his interest


(51) M. George's rivalry with Blunt assumes an "Oedipal" pattern - the competition between a "father" and a "son" for the same woman, which reaches a climax when the older Blunt shoots the favored younger man in the duel. (The Arrow of the Gold)


(61) it would seem that any fixed pattern of life came to be viewed by him with and admixture of irritability and alarm, as if in surrendering to it he courted the danger of surrendering to death itself.


(-) 이 부분 주목해서 다시 볼 것.

It is this same oscillation which provides a key to an understanding of many of the puzzling inconsistencies and bewildering paradoxes that characterize the vicissitudes of his personal life, and it is this self-same psychological conflict, projected into his novels, which shapes the destiny of those fictional beings born of his creative imagination, who, despite their individual differences, are often but shifting and varying manifestations of their creator.


(63) 짐이 배에서 뛰어내린 것과 콘래드가 조국을 버린 것


(64) I verily believe mine was the only case of a boy of my nationality and antecedents taking a . . . standing jump out of his racial surrounding and associations.


(66) Milosz : As we go more deeply into the biographical materials we come to the conclusion that a carefully hidden complex of treason is discernible in some of [Conrad's] writings -- a feeling that he had betrayed the cause so fanatically embraced by his compatriots, and above all, by his father.


(68) 어머니의 죽음이 자기 책임이라고 생각하는 점. (Man's greatest crime is having been born. Pedro Calderon)


(69) Conrad's heroes are motherless wanderers, postponing through momentary bursts of action their long-awaited return to a mother, whose untimely death has sown the seeds of longing and remorse, and whose voice, whispered from beyond the grave, utters her insistent claim upon her son's return.


(82) the Pygmalion theme - 엄마의 소유


(83) Psychoanalytic investigation of fantasies of rescue - of which the Pygmalion theme is a variant - have revealed that they contain consistent allusions to the Oedipus Complex . . . derivatives of the daydreams of a small boy of gaining the undisputed possession of his mother.


*Part 2. The Flow and Ebb of Artistry


*(101) Marguerite Poradowska - 정신적인 어머니. 소설가로 활동.

Clearly he was addressing her with the accents of love, but the love not of a grown man for a woman but of a hurt and weeping child for a compassionate mother.


(110) Jessie George를 선택함으로써 덜 정신적인 압박감을 느낄 수 있었다. 콘랜드 소설에서의 여인을 분류해볼 것. (112) exogamy의 문제도 연결. 근친상간적인 느낌을 피하고 싶은 것.


(114) 콘래드의 작품에서는 어머니와 아들의 근친상간적 요소는 찾아보기 힘들다.

(126-7) 남편이 자식의 출생을 두려워하는 면. 아내의 애정을 빼앗김.


(132) Ford Madox Hueffer(Ford)와의 교류와 합작은 콘래드의 정신에 결핍된 부분을 충족시켜주는데 큰 역할을 했다고 Meyer는 봄. 그와의 교류 기간 동안에 콘래드는 자신의 훌륭한 작품을 모두 씀.


(137) Both men were evidently seeking for a firm human relationship of a parent-child configuration to compensate for weak, frustrating, and unstable childhood attachments.


(150) It was during the "Hueffer decade" that he wrote "Heart of Darkness," .....


(151) If one accepts these judgments it would follow that most of Conrad's greatest literary achievements were created during those years when the emotional atmosphere surrounding him was warmed by the inspired breath of Ford Madox Hueffer.


(157) Man is an evil animal. Crime is a necessary condition of organized living. Society is basically criminal. (Conrad to Gunninghame Graham)


(164) stuttering - an unconscious aggressive significance


(182) Psychoanalytic observations have shown that ulterior to many fears of castration, as well as fears of being devoured, swallowed, pinned down, or trapped, are deep-seated wishes for helpless passivity.


(189) The Secret Agent - the mirror image of the theme of "Amy Foster."

(191)[남동생이 죽자 누나가 남편을 죽이는 이야기. 엄마와 아들이 하나가 되는 이야기.]

(195) The Secret Agent asserts that even within the confines of regulated and organized civilization man may succumb easily to the primitive impulses which seethe within his savage soul.


(206) Under Western Eyes를 쓰고 정신적으로 굉장히 힘들어 했음. a deep-seated affinity for Slavism (214)


(218) Perhaps of all of Conrad's writings UWE conveys most poignantly his own sense of isolation, his intense longing for human warmth and that unappeasable hunger for physical contact which confers such profound and unspoken significance upon the memory of a hand pressed by a father's hand and of a head cradled within the soft embrace of a mother's arms.


(223) 1910년 후반부부터(A Smile of Fortune을 기점으로) 콘래드의 작품 세계는 여성이 지배하기 시작


[마이어는 모저의 논문에 동조하면서, 1910년의 신경쇠약 이후 콘래드는 인간적으로 그리고 작품면에서도 퇴보]


(231) From these examples taken from all of Conrad's major fiction written after his mental breakdown, it is evident that his fictional world became an apiary ruled by a succession of queen bees, who, luring their drones into the vertiginous and rarefied hazards of the nuptial flight, disembowel them in mid-air and return triumphant to the hive, clutching their entrails as souvenirs.


(234) Con's Post-1910 fictional characters tend to be lacking not only in individuality but in spirit. (234)


(243) 작품뿐만 아니라 인간적인 면에서도 변함.

(252) Such a pronounced regression in an adult, who had previously displayed a capacity for relatively mature functioning, can usually be interpreted as a defensive recoil in the face of danger, be it from without or from within.


(255) 도스토옙스키에 대한 혐오


[Part 3] Undercurrents

(267) 주인공이 독자인 경우가 많고, 그렇지 않을 때에도 다른 형제들과 교류가 별로 없음.

(269) these fathers are doubly guilty; they have deprived a child of a mother and have subsequently subjected that child to the unhealthy and warping influence of their own bizarre personalities.

(271) 여성이 주인공의 감정을 흔들어 놓고 결국에는 망침

(275) ‘어머니의 부재가 콘래드 작품에서도 중요한 측면

(276) Just as in real life, the experience of maternal deprivation in early years and a persistent and sticky association with a father throughout childhood and adolescence seem to have produced severe distortions in the psychological aspects of the sexual development of these fictional women.

(277) [erotic scene] 여성이 좀 더 적극적이고 남자는 수동적.

(279) 콘래드 소설의 악당들도 고독감에 시달리고, 성적으로 무능력.

(280) Writing about them he is only writing about himself. [민선생이 꿈을 해석할 때 타인들도 나의 특성의 일부로 해석하는 것. 내적 대상. 이런 부분과 연관.]

(281) 자기중심적이고 고착된 생각에서 빠져나오지 못하는 아버지 상.

(282) 노스트로모가 폴란드의 정치와 음모를 묘사하고 있는 면.

(283) 후기 작품의 자랑찬 선원들 Jasper Allen, Tom Lingard, Captain Anthony는 모두 여인의 미소에 몰락했다.

(292) phallic woman - castration complex

; 남자든 여자든 남성 성기를 지니고 있다는 생각.

(296) fetishism - The Arrow of Gold

(300) the most undisguised voyeur of all is Marlow, the narrator of Chance, whose near encyclopedic knowledge of the private lives of the book's characters rivals that of a gossip monger.

(314) To be a tyrant over or the slave of woman [Venus in Furs가 콘래드의 소설에 미쳤을 영향]


Man even when he is selfish or evil always follows principles, woman never follows anything but impulses. (Wanda)


(320) Compulsive masturbation, it should be noted, is a characteristic symptom of fetishists.


(325) 로렌스의 작품을 격하게 비난. (Filth. Nothing but obscenities.)

Mr. Jones's (in Victory?) summing up of the fair sex. "Mud souls, obscene and cunning."


(333) bird and snake : 남성의 성기의 상징. 그것에 대한 설명.


(335) what menaces Willems is the same force that threatens most of Conrad's fictional heroes - an unconscious longing to be pierced by the shafts of the golden arrows of their beloved phallic women.


(336) Poe의 작품 세계

Marie Bonaparte : Poe's great literary concern with horror, death, and love of the dead was a manifestation of a necrophilic type of love for his mother who died when he was three years old.


(339) Psycholanalytic invstigation of the problem of fetishism points to disburbance in the earliest years of life in the genesis of this condition.


[그 밑에 거세 불안이 이 시기의 여러 사건들에 의해 심해질 수 있음을 나열]  


(340) 어머니(Evelina)의 성격에 대한 설명. 주목받고 싶어하고 요구하는 것이 많으며 편한 성격이 아니었음]

(345) The varied and distorting influences of all these experiences on the sexual developments of young Conrad can hardly be exaggerated. As already noted, neither his fiction nor his personal life appears to project a hard core of aggressive "Oedipal" rivalry, which is hardly surprising in light of the magnitude of his castration anxiety. . . .

[이 부분 잘 읽어볼 것. the gratification of an apparently insatiable oral appetite.]

(348) Family Romance의 반복적인 묘사는 콘래드 자신의 환타지를 성취하는 것.

(353) [Anti - Semitism] the reviled Jew may be viewed as another self-portrait of Conrad, whose anti-Semitism, like much racial prejudice, was in large measure a manifestation of projection, the displaced hatred of one's own kind, and of one's own self.

(355) 예수의 이야기도 Family Romance의 한 전형.

(358) the wish to be reunited with his mother

(359) 영국 - new identity / 영어로 글쓰기 - detachment

- Characteristically, speaking in the new language serves to detach the speaker from the psychic traumas of childhood, while verbalizing experiences in the language spoken at the time of their occurrenc makes become real.

(360) 콘래드는 영어로 글을 쓰지 않았다면 글을 쓰지 못했을 것이라고 말함.