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필리스 타이슨 & 로버트 타이슨 - [정신분석의 발달 이론](Phyllis Tyson & Robert L. Tyson, Psychoanalytic Theories of Development) (090702)

by 길철현 2016. 12. 7.

*Phyllis Tyson & Robert L. Tyson, Psychoanalytic Theories of Development, Yale


작년 316, 최병건 선생의 [Freud and Beyond] 워크샵에 참석한 다음, 일주일에 한 번씩이긴 하지만 그래도 정신분석 강의를 1년 이상 듣고 나니까, 물론 집중적으로 공부를 하진 않았지만, 정신분석의 흐름에 대해 대충 맥락은 잡게 된 듯하다. (이상하게도 일기에는 이때의 흥분이나, 느낌 등이 하나도 기록되어 있지 않다. 두 달 간의 방학 기간 동안 그 동안 배운 것을 복습하는 것도 좋을 듯하다.)

2년 과정의 이 강의 중 바로 지난 번 두 달 코스의 강의 교재로 쓰였던 이 책은 아직 국내에서 번역이 되지 않아, 그냥 영어로 읽게 되었는데, 다소 어려운 부분도 있었으나, 총체적인 측면에서(정신 분석의 어느 한 학파에 국한되지 않고), 사춘기까지의 인간정신의 발달을 다루려고 하였고, 어려울 수도 있는 그러한 시도가 저자들의 풍부한 경험과 지식 속에, 무난하게 전개되었다는 느낌이다.

이 책을 읽으면서 가장 핵심적으로 느낀 것은, ‘우리의 정신이라는 것이 유년기에 어느 정도 큰 틀이 잡힌다는 것은 분명하긴 하지만, 이후에도 지속적으로 변화 발달 시켜나가야 할 그런 것이라는 점이다.

실제 임상 경험 없이, 정신분석을 이론적으로만 이해한다는 것은 많은 문제를 내포하고 있다. 하지만, 사실 인간이라는 것은 우리가 늘 접하는 것이므로, 나를 비롯하여 내 주변의 모든 인물들에서, 정신분석적 세팅이 주어지지 않았다 하더라도, 인간을 고찰할 기회가 없는 것은 아니다. 내가 본격적이고 집중적으로 공부를 하지 않았기 때문에, 정신분석에 대한 많은 지식들이 내 머릿속에 뒤엉켜 있긴 하지만, 그래도, 분석 상담을 통해 정신분석이 어떤 것인지에 대해 좀 더 구체적으로 알게 되었고, 앞으로 계획을 짜서 공부를 해나간다면, 정신분석에 대해 깊이 있고 확고한 지식 내지는 의견을 가지게 될 듯하다.

새롭게 정신 분석을 출발해야 할 듯하다.


Otto Fenichel, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis


1. The Developmental Process

*Far from being a tabula rasa, opening and flowering by virtue of environmental input or genetically determined plan, the infant actively participates in and shapes his development, utilizing his own special array of constitutional factors. (23)

*alloplastic(accomodation)/ autoplastic(assimilation) (25)


2. Psychosexuality

*death instinct -- Melanie Klein

*Recent observations of infants seem to support the notion that drives differentiate gradually. It is generally agreed that more is going on in the earliest months than simply drive gratification. For example, a newborn will interrupt a feeding to look at a novel stimulus, and such a stimulus unassociated with drive gratification can prolong wakefulness. (51)

*Containing hostile aggression alongside positive loving feelings about the mother--that is, learning to tolerate a degree of ambivalence--becomes a crucial developmental issue of anal-phase development. (56) Rapprochement

*Fears of castration may cause the boy to masturbate to determine if his penis is still intact, but the increased excitation reactivates the incestuous fantasies, and a cycle of compulsive masturbation may be established. (58)

*Because boys have no control over spontaneous ejaculations but must experience them passively, they may interpret the sensations as primarily feminine in nature rather than as confirming their masculinity. (63)


3. Object Relations

*Klein postulated that the ego, unconscious fantasy, and the capacity to form object relations, experience anxiety, and utilized defense mechanism are all available at birth. (71)

*In the Kleinian view, the fundamental conflict from birth is between two innate drives rather than between evolving psychic structures, and it is not moderated by ego functioning. Accordingly, interpreting unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses vis-a-vis objects is central to Kleinian technique. Furthermore, in her view, since the conflict is between two innately determined drives, it is hardly affected by subsequent individual experiences have little developmental impact, a view of development significantly different from the one we propose. (74)

*He[Hartmann] pointed out that sometimes later ego development compensates for "poor" early object relations and, conversely, that so-called good object relations may become a developmental handicap if the child doesn't utilize them to strengthen his ego but remains dependent on the object. (84)

*just as the higher organization of the mother's psychic structure lifts the infant's psychological functioning to successively higher levels of organization and structuralization, the "tension" between the psychic functioning of the analyst and that of the patient creates the potential for the parent's psychic reorganization as the analysis proceeds. (90)

*McDevitt: low keyedness (103)

*Even from birth, the infant's response to his mother is distinctive and shows attentiveness or stimulus seeking as well as a capacity for stimulus avoidance. (123)

*a core sense of self (123)

*Winnicott describes the vital "mirroring" role played by the mother in the early stages of emotional development. He asks, "What does the baby see when he or she looks at the mother's face?" "Ordinarily," he suggests, "what the baby sees is himself or herself." (124)

*Loewald believes that the Oedipus complex, with all the complications the concept carries, is a watershed in individuation: "The Oedipus complex, with its basis in instinctual life, stands as a symbol in psychoanalytic psychology of the first delineation of man's love. . . a symbol of the clear awakening of his life as an individual. It takes form through his passionate involvement, in love and hate, with his first libidinal objects, and through the limitations places on this involvement which throw him back on himself. (Soul making) (128)

4. Affect

*endogenous system/exogenous smiling(social smiling) (151)

*If words can be put to affective experiences, something that starts with the parent's labeling feelings, the child can begin to recognize, and gain greater understanding of his feelings. (158)

*If a child does not learn to verbalize affects adequately, a discrepancy may develop between the strength and intricacy of affective states and the capacity for their expression. (158)


5. Cognition

*Primary / Secondary Process(1차사고 과정 / 2차사고 과정) (165)

*What is timeless. . . are the unresolved conflicts, the libidinal wishes, the content of related fantasies, the poignant memories of traumatic or of unusually happy events, and so on. (172)

*Rather than constructing logical relationships, he[the preoperational child] makes associative connections, and so he establishes theories about the world and about his relationships with others in which fantasy and reality are not clearly distinguished. (180)

*The man who first flung a word of abuse at his enemy instead of a spear was the founder of civilization. (Freud, 182)

*a prelatency child will be sorry her mother has a cold, but chiefly because it interferes with her activity schedule. Because a latency child has the capacity to imagine how she would feel in her mother's situation and can understand that her mother has a reality separate from herself, she can empathize with her mother apart from whether or not her wishes are affected. (184)


6. The Superego

*ego ideal / superego proper

*We are of the opinion that the views of both Freud and Klein are erroneous. We think the superego, like all other psychic systems, has a developmental line, with early roots in the first years of life. Freud's idea that the superego forms with oedipal resolution does not take into account early stages and conveys the impression that the superego appears suddenly. In regard to Klein's ideas, we know from developmental research that the complex functions she attributed to the infant, in order to be able to form the superego in the eighth or ninth month, do not exist at this time. (199)

*If a mother's standards are too high, or if she is highly critical and disapproving, or if a child's libidinal or aggressive impulses are particularly difficult for him to control, the toddler may experience few opportunities for success and reward, always feeling in danger of losing mother's love and comfort. To guard against such a loss, the toddler may overvalues and idealize parental standards and develop early excessive reaction formations. (210)

*the infantile neurosis(218)

*the Superego as Inner Authority (220)

*We . . . maintain that central to the girl's motivation for superego formation is her wish for the love of the idealized mother. Often this entails a wish for a fantasized, idealized sense of intimacy or oneness that the girl imagines must have been a part of her earliest relationship with the mother of infancy. (235)


7. Gender

*breast envy(265)

*It is the boy's successful disidentification with his mother that is crucial to his finding a firm sense of masculinity. (283)

*If their relationship is fraught with ambivalence, being undermined by th unavailability and unreliability of the father, or with the mother devaluing the father, the boy may fear that as a male he too will be devalued. He may then fail to make the shift adequately from identification with mother to identification with father and the male gender role. (284)

*castration anxiety-ego ideal. (286)


8. The Ego

*The affective indicator of the next developmental shift, which appears between fifteen and eighteen months, is the emergence of negativism, expressed by the "no" in gesture and word. (303)