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콘래드, 조지프/어둠의 심연

Karl, Frederick R. Introduction to the Danse Macabre: Conrad's HD. 1968. [A Case Study]

by 길철현 2018. 1. 7.

[암흑의 핵심]을 정신분석적으로 접근하고 있는 최초의 본격적인 글은 앨버트 게라드의 것이다. 전체적으로 정신분석적인 맥락에서 콘래드의 전기를 썼고(그 책을 나는 흥미롭게 읽었다) 콘래드 연구의 대가로 알려져 있는 프레드릭 칼의 1968년도 이 글은 하지만, 나에게는 별다른 큰 울림이 없다. 논지가 뚜렷하지 못하고, 니체의 "힘에의 의지," 프로이트의 "소망 충족" 등의 개념을 이용하여 이 작품을 해명하고 있으나, 별로 새로운 이야기는 없다. 다만 동시대인인 콘래드와 프로이트를 비교한 부분은 흥미로운 부분이다.

- Psychoanalytic Criticism

(116) I. A. Richards, Kenneth Burke, Edmund Wilson

(120) artists are skilled creators of works that appeal to our repressed wishes and fancies.

- Norman Holland : What draws us as readers to a text is the secret expression of what we desire to hear, much as we protest we do not. The disguise must be good enough to fool the censor into thinking that the text is respectable, but bad enough to allow the unconscious to glimpse the unrespectable.

(121) Frederick Crews - HD: Oedipus complex

(123) 어둠과 꿈(악몽)의 영역을 꿰뚫으려는 시도. (자신의 세계의 실체를 규명)

(124) 콘래드와 프로이트의 비교

(124) The novella contains a vision so powerful tht Conrad excuses himself for being unable (he thought) to control it. It contains also that which Sigmund Freud suggests may be found in his own Interpretaion of Dreams, namely an insight that falls to one but once in a lifetime.

The reference to Freud and to Dreams is not fortuitous. It was of course chance that Freud and Conrad were contemporaries, but chance ends when we note the extraordinary parallelism of their achievements Freud did his major work on dreams in the 1890s, the same time that Conrad was fermenting ideas about th Congo and personal and political expedience in a quicksand, nightmarish world. Freud's book, the culmination of his observations, appeared 1n 1900, only months after Conrad's HD. (1899, 11, 5/ 1899, 2-4 Blackwood's Magazine에 연재. 1902, 11, 13 책 발매) 

- both Conrad and Freud were pioneers in stressing the irrational elements in human behavior which resisted orthodox interpretation.

(125) The key word is darkness; the black of the jungle for Conrad is the dark of the sleeping consciousness for Freud.

- wish fulfillments : Kurtz's great will to power, Nietzschean and ruthless in its thrust, is also Marlow's.

- Everyman, Pilgrim's Progress와 유사점.

(126) A law-abiding morally sensitive man enters an avaricious, predatory, almost psychopathic world.

(127) If absurdity is acknowledged, what are a man's guidelines?

(129) [Kurtz]'s very will to power and confident brutality make him appear a kind of god to the natives and other agents who fear him and to the Russian sailor who believes in him. [커츠란 어떤 인물인지 써볼 필요가 있음.]

(유럽 문명의 총아인데 자신이 타락했을 뿐만 아니라 아프리카인들을 학살하고 약탈)

The best lack of all conviction/ while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

(130) Kurtz and his type prevailed. [문제는 왜 말로가 그런 인물에 공감하는가 하는 것.]

- Kurtz's cry might be a shriek of despair that after having accomplished so little he must now perish. His horror is the anguish of one who dies with his work incomplete.

(131) 다윈주의적 자연 -- 워즈워스적 자연.

(134) Vachel Lindsay - Congo

(135) 도스토예프스키, 지하 생활자의 수기. 카프카 - 변신, 토마스 만 - 베이스에서의 죽음, 카뮈 - 이방인.

(136) 한나 아렌트 - 악의 진부성(banality). 보통 사람의 허무주의.