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콘래드, 조지프/어둠의 심연

Steward C. Wilcox. Conrad's "Complicated Presentations" of Symbolic Imagery. 1960. N1

by 길철현 2018. 3. 22.

이 글은 브뤼셀을 'whited sepulchre'라고 부른 것을 성경의 구절과 비교하면서 전개하고 있는데, 그렇게 공감이 가지는 않는다.

(211) Conrad: You must search the darkest corners of your heart . . . for the image.  

[1895. 10. 28 작가 지망생인 Noble에게 보낸 편지. 1-252]

(213) the whited sepulchres - the false righteousness that covered their inward wickedness

(215) 커츠의 약혼녀에게 한 거짓말에 대한 해석

mustered the moral strength to resolve his dilemma by choosing charity at the expense of justice.

(217) Conrad 여성관에 대해

F. R. Leavis's remark that Conrad was a "simple soul" in his attitude toward women is defensible, as teh naive description of Rita in The Arrow of Gold discloses.