(Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures : together with a prefatory letter by the Rev. Professor Sedgwick
1) 아프리카 인들의 언어를 배우려고 애씀 (17년 전에 처음으로 감)
- 아프리카가 덜 알려진 이유 - 아프리카의 해안선이 짧음. 해안에 여러 건강상 안 좋은 요인들 있음.
2) Kalahari desert - rainmaker가 많음. 주술사들. 과학적 원인을 모르기 때문에.
3) God loves you white men better than us - 원주민들의 이 부분도 자세히 볼 필요.
4) 추장 Sechele를 개종시킴. 어학 능력이 뛰어나 영어를 금방 익힘(wiki)
6) 남반구(20도 아래)에서의 이동은 소가 끄는 수레(ox-waggon)
7) the slave system carried on by the Dutch Boers.
- civilization and Christianity must go on together
Secheletu(Makololo chief)와 친교를 맺음. 영국과 교역을 원함. - [Makola를 떠올리게 한다. (아내가 Loanda 출신이라는 점에서 특히)]
9) Loanda는 Luanda를 의미함.
10) 영국 배(군함?) - 노예교역을 막기 위해 와 있음.
여자 추장도 있음. two female chiefs
11) 동행한 원주민들 - 바다가 있는 줄 몰랐음.
Loanda에 도착 - 마콜로 사람들은 바다를 처음 봄
We cannot but be struck with the unity of the human race, as asserted in Scripture, by seeing it from independent quarters in oneness of thought, feeling, desire, and affection, all the world over, despite other differences. [주석자의 말]
14) my desire to have a path for civilization and commerce on the east
16) The people of one tribe knock out all their upper front teeth, and when they laugh are perfectly hideous.
Another tribe of the Londa country file all their front teeth to a point, like cats' teeth, and when they grin put one in mind of alligators
17) Evidences of the Portuguese Jesuit missionary operations are still extant, and are carefully preserved by the natives: one tribe can all read and write. [Jesuits 선교사들의 영향이 남아 있는 곳]
- 상업적인 측면에서도 상당히 바람직한 지지역.
18) My desire is to open a path to this district, that civilization, commerce, and Christianity might find their way there. I consider that we made a great mistake, when we carried commerce into India, in being ashamed of our Christianity.
[이 말이 핵심. 하지만 이후의 상황은 리빙스턴이 생각했던 것과는 전혀 다른 방향으로 전개되었음.]
19) A prospect is now before us of opening Africa for commerce and the Gospel
20. Sebituane - 뛰어난 인물. 전사. (His desire for intercourse with white men was most passionate)
21. The natives of Central Africa are very desirous of trading, but their only traffic is at present in slaves, of which the poorer people have an unmitigated horror. . . .
By encouraging the native propensity for trade, the advantages that might be derived in a commercial point of view are incalculable; nor should we lose sight of the inestimable blessings it is in our power to bestow upon the unenlightened African, by giving him the light of Christianity.
- Those two pioneers of civilization--Christianity and commerce--should ever be inseparable.
[이 부분이 핵심. 아프리카의 문명화 - 교역과 기독교의 전파를 통해, 아프리카인들을 빛으로 이끌고 우리의 경제에도 도움이 된다.]
- Pioneers in every thing should be the ablest and best qualified men, not those of small ability and education
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