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콘래드, 조지프/콘래드아프리카제국

Kevin Grant. The Congo Free State and the New Imperialism. 2017. (4)

by 길철현 2019. 1. 30.

21. Edmund Morel - from Affairs of West Africa

95) The native living within these territories has been depived by Royal Decree of his rights as a land-owner. Property held for centuries by well-defined native laws, vested in particular families and tribes, has been appropriated without consulting the interested parties, let alone compensating them.

- Since he[natives] cannot dispose of his produce, which is his wealth and also his currency; since he has lost his rights in his own land . . . he is no longer a free agent, but has become de facto a serf. . . .

96) M. Pierre Mille

- "the basis of the king's economic policy has been the formation of an army sufficiently strong to force the natives to pay the rubber and ivory tax.

- the king's officials and the companies' agents are the same persons.  

- in 1900, one or two of its agents confessed to killing, by order, 150 natives, cutting off 60 hands, crucifying women and children, and impaling the sexual remains of slaughtered males on the stockade of the villages whose inhabitants were slow in gathering rubber! . . .

97) 유럽 문명의 침투로 원주민들(식인종들)은 이웃 사람들을 죽이는 기술을 더욱 발전시킴.

22. Roger Casement - Consular Report on the Congo Free State to the British Foreign Secretary Feb 1904

98) The British government and humanitarians treated his findings as critical proof of the alleged brutality of the regime. The report inspired the creation of the Congo Reform Association, of which Casement was a founding member.

100) 동물을 쏘고, 그 대신에 살아 있는 사람의 손을 자름. 6,000명 이상을 죽임.

101) Cannibalism had gone hand in hand with slave raiding, and it was no uncommon spectacle to see gangs of human beings being conveyed for exposure and sale in the local markets.

- on one occasion a woman was killed in the village I was passing through, and her head and other portions of her were brought and offered for sale to some of the crew of the steamer I was on.

- 야만적인 풍습을 억누르기 위해 야만적인 방식, 군인을 이용.

102) 세금이라고 한다면 왜 '회사'가 거두는가? 일 년에 한 번 혹은 두 번이 아니라, 일 주일에 한 번, 혹은 이 주일에 한 번 꼴로 거두는가?

103) 강제 노역은 맞는데, 원주민의 게으름을 고치기 위한 것

104) 부과된 고무를 제때에 내지 못하면 아내들을 구금.

105) 강에서 고기도 못 잡는 그런 상황.

23. Atrocity Photograph of Epondo ca. 1903

108) Epondo testified that a state soldier cut off his hand, which supported humanitarian allegations that soldiers were mutilating Congolese people to provide on accounting of their spent rifle cartridges.

[Epond는 나중에 다른 이야기를 하기도 함.]121) Epondo, repeating the story which he had told before, declared that he had lost his left hand as the result of a bite from a wild boar one day when he was hunting with his master.

24. Punch - In the Rubber Coils Nov 28, 1906

25. The Congo: A Report of the Commission of Enquiry Appointed by the Congo Free State Government  Oct 31, 1905

113) 콩고는 벨기에의 식민지가 된 후 큰 발전이 있었음.

- the hecatomb [sacrifice] of slaves [순장의 풍습]

- where the funerals of the village chiefs were celebrated by the hecatomb [sacrifice] of slaves whom they strangled and the wives and women who were buried alive--in this dark and mysterious continent the State has been constituted and organised with marvellous rapidity, introducing into the heart fo Africa the benefits of civilisation.

114) The slave trade has disappeared, cannibalism has been practically suppressed, pushed back, or is in hiding and sacrifices of human beings are rare.

115) It is in spite of himself that the native in the beginning must be induced to throw off his natural indolence and improve his condition. A law, therefore, which imposes upon the native light and regular work is the only means of giving him the incentive to work, while it is an economic law, it is at the same time a humanitarian law.

[높은 위치에서 아이들을 가르치는 듯한 자세.]

(115) To civilise a race means to modify its eonomic and social condition, its intellectual and moral status; it is to extirpate its ideas, customs and habits and substitute in the place of those of which we disapprove the ideas, habits and customs which are akin to ours; it is, in a word, to assume the education of a people. All education which concerns a child or an inferior race necessarily inflicts a curtailment of liberty.

118) 총은 방어용으로만 쓰도록 되어 있음. 법을 위반한 백인들은 감옥에 가 있음.

121) Epondo, repeating the story which he had told before, declared that he had lost his left hand as the result of a bite from a wild boar one day when he was hunting with his master.

122) mutilations have never had the character of torture inflicted voluntarily and knowingly.

- Twenty centuries were necessary to created from Gaul, of the time of Caesar, the France and Belgium of to-day and if our ancestors were, in the eyes of the conquering Romans, barbarians, one can, we think, say that they were civillised people in comparison with the inhabitants of the immense territory of the Free State at the moment of its constitution.

[골족은 흑인 원주민보다 문명인]

26. Belgian Parliament - Debates on the Congo Free State Feb-Mar 1906

127) 대출받은 돈이 식민지의 발전에 사용되지 않음.

- This situation, I repeat, is all the graver since the temporary prosperity of the Congo State depends exclusively upon the system of oppression imposed upon the natives.

129) M. De Favereu - It is not possible to remove a population from the frightful barbarism in which it has grovelled for so many centuries, whose morality is often low and degraded, without compelling it to make a considerbale effort to which its characteristics and its inveterate habits are opposed.

M. A. Daens - The means chosen is extermination.

M. Verhaegen - Thanks to the missionaries, thanks to the King, who opened the road for them, and who appealed to them, deserving, therefore, the gratitude of all civilised humanity, millions of negroes, plunged in an abyss of degradation, have seen the light which the Saviour brought into the world.

M. Woeste - In barbarous countries, among infant peoples, coercion is often necessary; authority must be felt, in order to respected.

132) M. Beernaert - It is true that we have seen some of our writers declare that the negro is a barely a man, and that the negress is only cattle! (Outcry)

27. The Reverend John Harris - Letter to W. T. Lamont, His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Boma Jan 16, 1912

134) the disappearance of systematic brutality.

유럽의 근대 과학 기술문명의 발달과 함께 유럽이 '힘'의 우위를 점하게 되자 유럽인들은 제국주의적 침탈을 일삼으면서도(영토의 확장욕에 이끌린 것이든 아니면 경제적 이익을 추구한 것이든 - 내 말에는 제국주의에 대한 지나친 적개심이 들어 있다. 이 말들을 좀 더 정치하게 가다듬어야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 더 많이 읽고 생각해야 한다.) 표면적으로는 '문명화의 사명'을 내세우고 있다. 이 CE의 보고서에도 그러한 태도가 여과 없이 드러난다. 아프리카의 식민지를 유럽화하는 것이 문명화라는 것, 또 유럽의 백인들이 아이들을 걱정하는 부모의 마음에서, 다시 말해 열등한 흑인들을 교화한다는 당대의 진화론으로부터 촉발된 위계적인 사고방식에 기반하여 원주민들의 자유를 자신들의 잣대로 짓밟고 있는 것이다.