[Part Two] The Documents
1. David Livingstone (1857)
(29) 1877년 스탠리는 콩고 강의 지도를 완성하고 그것을 이용해 콩고 자유국을 건설. 스탠리는 자신이 리빙스턴의 일을 이어나간다고 봄.
(30) I might have gone on instructing the natives in religion, but as civilization and Christianity must go on together, I was obliged to find a path to the sea, in order that I should not sink to the level of the natives.
(31) The natives of Central Africa are very desirous of trading, but their only traffic is at present in slaves of which the poorer people have an unmitigated horror.
- Those two pioneers of civilization - Christianity and commerce - should ever be inseparable.
2. King Leopold II
(32) 노예 교역은 문명인이 지극히 혐오하는 것.
(33) [이 부분 잘 볼 것] Sustained by public sympathy, we hold the conviction that, if we accomplish the opening of the routes, if we succeed in establishing stations along the routes followed by the slave merchants, this odious traffic will be wiped out, and that these routes and these stations, while serving as fulcrums for travellers, will powerfully contribute towards the evangelisation of the blacks, and towards the introduction among them of commerce and modern industry. [영토 확장과 경제적 침탈이라는 식민주의의 본원적인 목적은 감추고 - 그 결과로 드러난 것이지만 - 악폐를 없애고 원주민을 문명화시킨다는 사명을 전면에 내세운 전형적인 언설]
- We boldly affirm that all those who desire the enfranchisement of the black races are interested in our success.
3. Treaty of Manyanga August 12, 1882
34) These treaties became part of the legal foundation of the sovereignty of the Congo Free State in the eyes of other European governments.
35) Art. III - If the people of Manyanga shall be attacked by neighbouring tribes, the Expedition shall defend their women and children and their property by all means in their power. If the Expedition shall be attacked by another tribe, the men shall be bound to defend the station.
4. Harry Johnston-- from The River Congo
37) While there are probably few men who could have been found to cope with the difficulties and perils of this undertaking in the way that Mr. Stanley has done, so nowhere, probably, does there exist a living philanthropist like Leopold II, who could from pure love of knowledge and civilisation open up a road across Africa for the benefit of the world, and endow munificently from his private fortune an enterprise for the good of future generations.
5. General Act of the Conference of Berlin, Articls 1885
38) to establish rules for imperial expansion in central and west Africa in order to prevent conflict between the competing powers.
39) All the Powers exercising sovereign rights or inflence in the aforsaid territories bind themselves to watch over the preservation of the native tribes, and to care for the improvement of the conditions of their moral and material well-being, and to help in suppressing slavery, and especially the slave trade.
6. Walter Deane - Account of the Destruction of the Congo Free State's Station at Stanley Falls in an Attack by Zanzibari Slave Traders 1886
41) Herbert Ward - Five Years with the Congo Cannibals
7. Tippu Tip from Autobiography
(44) Tippu Tip (1837-1905) was the most powerful slave trader between the eastern Congo and Zanzibar in the late 19th century.
스탠리와 친분이 있는 인물. Stanley Falls District의 Governor로 1887에서 1890(혹은 91)까지 봉직
(46) We stayed on in Stanley Falls. Every month Europeans came to the camp, two or three loads and they all left with a load of ivory. Some they left behind. Stanley Falls was full of Europeans and as many goods as you could want. It became a great harbour. Anything you wanted was available.
8. Cardinal Charles Lavigerie - Speech at a Meeting of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
47) 아프리카의 노예 교역의 철폐에 앞장 선 인물.
48) After having destroyed colonial slavery, England owes it to herself to support by her sympathies those who wish to destroy Afircan slavery, a hundred times more horrible.
- Slavery in the proportions that it has now assumed means, in effect, the approaching destruction of the black population of the interior, with the impossibility of penetrating and civilizaing the heart of the country.
49) 매년 50만 명이 아프리카 내륙에서 노예로 팔림.
- The infamous name of Tippoo Tib will always be associated with this work, and it is he who has furnished Stanley with a portion of his men.
- If this state of things continue[s], the heart of Africa will be an impentrable desert in less than 50 years. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful country, where Europeans might live, prosper, and procure the necessaries of life. . . . The nature of the soil, the heat of the sun, and the abundance of water contribute to make this country one of the richest and most beautiful in the world.
- 인류는 뚜렷이 구별되는 두 종류의 인종이 있음
-one, that of believers, destined to command; the other, that of the cursed, as they style them, destined to serve;
50) "every woman, every child, that strays ten minutes away from their village has no certainty of ever returning to it."
51) Slavery, such as it is to-day, can in effect only be stopped by force.
9. Chewema - Statement to a British Consular Official March 19, 1903
53) At M'pwetu I witnessed the killing of two natives who had stolen rubber from the Government Stores. By the order of the white man call[ed] Lutina the two natives were beaten by his soldiers with a hippos hide whip, after this they were made to stand up, the soldiers then threw bricks on them till they died.
[절도죄에 대해 잔인한 방식으로 죽임]
10. John and Johan