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콘래드, 조지프/올메이어

올메이어 - 논문들

by 길철현 2019. 8. 13.

1. Moser A D Chapter 2

2. Robert Hampson Cross-cultural Encounters in Josph Conrad's Malay Fiction Palgrave 2000 (경북대)

3. Almayer's Folly Cambridge (경북대)

4. PR

5. Eastern World

6. Christopher GoGwilt. The Invention of the West. (경북대)

7. 김상배. 콘래드의 제국주의 비판 Almayer's Folly Victory HD (서울대)

8. Science, Commerce, and Imperial Expansion in British Travel Literature: Hugh Clifford’s and Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction 길혜령

9. 탈식민주의 이론을 소개한 도서들 읽을 것. (사이드로부터. 이석호)

10. Wlly, Todd G. "Almayer's Folly and the Imperatives of Conradian Atavism" Conradiana 24. 1 (1992)

11. Krenn, Helina. "The "Beautiful" World of Women. Contexts for Conrad.

-Conrad's Lingard Trilogy 주문 (곧 도착)

12. Cedric Watts. The Covert Plot of AF *

13. Allan Simmons

14. Claude Maisonnat

15. Hugh Clifford Studies in Brown Humanity . 1898

16. Hugh Clifford East Coast Etchings. 1896

17. Ruth L. Nadelhaft. Joseph Conrad

18. Daniel R. Schwarz * (정리)

19. Andrea White. Joseph Conrad and the Adventure Tradition. Cambridge