#Euthyphro(에우튀프론), Hugh Tredennick, tr., Penguin
*So we don't see a thing because it is a seen thing, but on the contrary it is a seen thing because we
see it; and we don't lead a thing because it is a led thing, but it is a led thing because we lead it; (32)
*But if what is god-loved were identical with what is pious, my dear Euthyphro, then if what is pious
were loved because it is pious, what is god-loved would be loved because it is god-loved; and if what
is god-loved were god-loved because it is loved by the gods, then what is pious would be pious
because it is loved by them. As it is, you can see that the relation between them is just the opposite;
which shows that they are entirely different from each other. The one is lovable because it is loved, and
the other is loved because it is lovable. (33)
두 번째로 이 글을 읽는다. Thomas G. West의 번역보다는 이 사람의 번역이 읽기가 수월하다. 치사의 혐의로 아버지를 고발하러 온 Euthyphro(에우튀프론)과 ‘경건함(Pious-Piety)’에 관해서 논의를 하고 있는데, 에우튀프론은 자신의 믿음이나 논지에 대해서 논리적으로 추찰하는데 지극히 허약한 인물로 제시되고 있다. 소크라테스는 논리적 추론과 언어 철학적 방법을 통해 에우튀프론이 자신이 하는 말이 근거가 빈약함을 보여주고 있다.
이 삽화의 앞부분의 논리 전개를 정리해보면 다음과 같다.
E: piety is what all the gods love.
S: piety is loved by all the gods, because it is pious.
여기서 소크라테스는 다음과 같은 결론을 내린다.
*But if what is god-loved were identical with what is pious, my dear Euthyphro, then if what is pious
were loved because it is pious, what is god-loved would be loved because it is god-loved; and if what
is god-loved were god-loved because it is loved by the gods, then what is pious would be pious
because it is loved by them. As it is, you can see that the relation between them is just the opposite;
which shows that they are entirely different from each other. The one is lovable because it is loved, and
the other is loved because it is lovable. (33)
이것을 다시 정리 해보면, 경건한 것은 경건하기 때문에 신의 사랑을 받는 것인데, 신의 사랑을 받는 것은 신이 사랑하기 때문에 사랑을 받는 것이 되므로, 이 양자 사이에는 불일치가 생기게 되고, 따라서 Euthyphro의 정의는 틀린 것이 되고 만다.
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