철학으로158 플라톤 - 라케스 [Plato - Laches] *Laches *. . . anyone who is close to Socrates and enters into conversation with him is liable to be drawn into an argument, and whatever subject he may start, he will be continually carried round and round by him, until at last he finds that he has to give an account both of his present and past life, and when he is once entangled, Socrates will not let him go until he has com.. 2016. 9. 16. 플라톤 - 고르기아스 [Plato - Gorgias] *Gorgias <정리> 소피스트에 대한 소크라테스의 비난은 [대화]편 여러 곳에서 찾아볼 수 있지만,이 글에서의 비난은 소피스트들이 자신의 무기로 생각하는 수사(rhetoric)에 집중되고 있다. 그리고, 이 글에서 엿볼 수 있는 소크라테스의 태도는 다른 글과는 달리 상당히 적극적으로 대화의.. 2016. 9. 16. 플라톤 - 뤼시스 [Plato - Lysis] *Lysis *It was his<Socrates'-quoter> conviction that truth cannot be taught, it must be sought. His only desire in talking to the boys was to make them use their minds. <정리> 우정(friendship)이 무엇인지를 알아보는 이 대화편은 대화를 전개시켜 나가는 방식이 전형적으로 소크라테스적이다. 논의된 이야기가 갖는 난점.. 2016. 9. 16. 플라톤 - 이온 [Plato - Ion] *Ion <해설> *In this little dialogue Plato is amusing himself. Socrates talks with Ion whose profession is to give recitals of Homer on special occasions and who is convinced that he is the greatest artist in that line throughout Greece. His naive and complete self-satisfaction is amusingly contrasted with Socrates's very gentle irony. Ion is no antagonist to draw down .. 2016. 9. 16. 이전 1 ··· 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 다음