콘래드, 조지프296 Frederick R. Karl. Joseph Conrad, The Three Lives [Part III C9] Palestine/ [Youth] 207) 5개월 간 배를 못 찾음 - 이등 항행사로서 첫 전째 직. (한 달에 4 파운드) - Marlow : Conrad's first conscious shaping of memory beyond a third-person narrative (a feat of memory . . . a record of experience) - 선장(57), 일등 항해사(50)의 이름 그대로 차용. (콘래드 자신의 나이는 낮추고 이들의 나이는 올림.) 208) The pl.. 2019. 5. 5. Youth - Heart of Darkness and Other Tales. Oxford - those voyages that seem ordered for the illustration of life, that might stand for a symbol of existence. (83) And she crawled on, do or die, in the serene weather. The sky wa a miralcle of purity, a miracle of azure. The sea was polished, was blue, was pellucied, was sparkling like a precious stone, extending on all sides, all round to the horizon - as if the whole terrestr.. 2019. 5. 5. OP 참고 논문 Jakob Lothe. Conradian Narrative. 164-65. [The Cambridge Companion to JC] 서사 기법의 특징. 아이러니의 문제 2019. 5. 3. Marlow - Oxford - Conrad's autobiographical alter ego : 콘래드의 개인적 체험에 의존 - ethnic background가 다름 (Marlow is an Englishman without Slavic origins) - 말로가 영국인이 아니라는 느낌을 주는 곳. - marital states (Marlow never marries, and becomes increasingly misogynist) - Conrad(Author's Note) : a clever screen, a mere device, personator, a familiar sp.. 2019. 5. 1. 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ··· 74 다음