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박이문 - 철학이란 무엇인가? (일조각) #박이문, 철학이란 무엇인가, 일조각 <감상> 그 동안 [철학 입문서]를 여러 권 읽었지만, 박이문의 이 책은 국내 철학자가 직접 쓴 것이라는 점에서 이전의 책과는 다른 의의를 찾아볼 수 있을 것이다. 부피가 얇은 책이라 심도 있는 내용을 다루었다고 보기는 힘들겠지만, 저자 자신의 .. 2016. 9. 20.
존 버닛. 그리스 철학 (John Burnet - Greek Philosophy) <John Burnet, Greek Philosophy, Macmillan> *A century saw the true account of eclipses clearly stated, and this led up to the discovery that the earth was a planet. A little later some Greeks even taught that the sun was not a planet, but the centre of the planetary system. Nor must we forget that hand in hand with this remarkable development of mathematical and astronomi.. 2016. 9. 17.
W. K. C. Guthrie. The Greek Philosophers. [거스리. 그리스 철학자들](재독) *W. K. C. Guthrie, The Greek Philosophers, Harper Ch. 1. Greek Ways of Thinking *the Greeks did not, as Christians or Jews do, first assert the existence of God and then proceed to enumerate his attributes, saying 'God is good', 'God is love' and so forth. Rather they were so impressed or awed by the things in life or nature remarkable either for joy or fear that they said 'thi.. 2016. 9. 17.
버트란트 러셀, 서양 철학사. 서문 및 그리스 철학 (Bertrand Russell - A History of Western Philosophy) ****Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy ---Introductory-- *Philosophy, as I shall understand the word, is something intermediate between theology and science. Like theology, it consists of speculations on matters as to which definite knowledge has, so far, been unascertainable; but like science, it appeals to human reason rather than to authority, whether that of tradition or that .. 2016. 9. 17.