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콘래드, 조지프/어둠의 심연

F. R. Leavis. Joseph Conrad. The Great Tradition. (1948)

by 길철현 2017. 10. 21.

* F. R. Leavis. Joseph Conrad.  The Great Tradition. (1948)

(202) one might say that HD achieves its overpowering evocation of atmosphere by means of 'objective correlatives.' 

(204) Ordinary greed, stupidity, and moral squalor are made to look like behaviour in a lunatic asylum against the vast and oppressive mystery of the surroundings, rendered potently in terms of sensation.

(204) The same vocabulary, the same adjective insistence upon inexpressible and incomprehensible mystery, is applied to the evocation of human profundities and spiritual horrors; to magnigying a thrilled sense of the unspeakable potentialities of the human soul. The actual effect is not to magnify but rather to muffle. [형용사의 남발에 대한 지적]

(206) So we have an adjectivla and worse than supererogatory insistence on 'unspeakable rites', 'unspeakable secrets', 'monstrous passions', 'inconceivable mystery', and so on.

(207) 콘래드의 형용사의 남발은 통속 작가들로부터 빌려온 것(이 작가들은 키플링이나 포로부터 빌려옴)으로 보임.

in order to impose on his readers and oh himself, for thrilled response, a 'significance' that is merely an emotional insistence on the presence of what he can't produce. (그 다음 부분도 잘 볼 것.)

(211) 콘래드의 여성관은 선원의 그것과 별 차이가 없음.

[이 작품이 갖는 장점과 동시에 형용사의 남발이 작품의 이해를 가로 막고, 작품의 수준을 떨어뜨리고 있음을 지적. 신비평적인 해석]